Ruby array, javascript and json issue

Hey all,

I am unable to get a highcharts plugin to render a chart in a rails
application: GitHub - loudpixel/highcharts-rails: A plugin for displaying Highcharts graphs in Rails

I believe it has something to do with the sql queries to the database
placed in a ruby array, which the javascript is unable to intepret. This
is what I have:

def panels
pass = Student.find_by_sql(‘SELECT COUNT() FROM students WHERE
student_state = 1’)
fail = Student.find_by_sql('SELECT COUNT(
) FROM students WHERE
student_state = 2’)

student_data = [
{:name => ‘Pass’, :y => pass},
{:name => ‘Fail’, :y => fail}
pie_label_formatter = ’
function() {
if (this.y > 15) return;

pie_tooltip_formatter = ’
function() {
return “” + + “: " + this.y + " %”;

@pie_chart =
:chart => {
:renderTo => “pie-chart-container”,
:margin => [50, 30, 0, 30]
:plotOptions => {
:pie => {
:dataLabels => {
:formatter => pie_label_formatter,
:style => {
:textShadow => ‘#000000 1px 1px 2px’
:series => [
:type => ‘pie’,
:data => student_data
:subtitle => {
:text => ‘April 2010’
:title => {
:text => ‘Student Status Chart’
:tooltip => {
:formatter => pie_tooltip_formatter

Note if I put this: :data => student_data.to_json It actually returns a
json string of my query as text in the browser. Also, if I hard code
values (e.g. :y => 1), it will render the chart properly. However, any
database query will not render the chart properly. So I’m not sure
exactly what the issue is. Any suggestions? Thanks.

On Apr 1, 11:29 pm, John M. [email protected] wrote:

pass = Student.find_by_sql(‘SELECT COUNT() FROM students WHERE
student_state = 1’)
fail = Student.find_by_sql('SELECT COUNT(
) FROM students WHERE
student_state = 2’)

Are you expecting pass and fail to be numbers? They’re not -
Student.find_by_sql always returns an array of student objects. Sounds
like you might want count.
