Ruby and MySQL

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR. I have a MAC and after installing
Aptana RoR no longer see mySQL and after dozens of adjustments and
downloads it still doesn’t work. The fact that RoR decided that
SqlLite is the default database is a pretty good indicator this is a
toy environment. WTF? Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.

Looks like I’ll be using the Adobe tools for development as usual -
sprinkle in a little PHP and Python and there is no need for RoR -
what genius decided to stop supporting mySql?

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR.

Probably a good idea.

WTF? Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.

Nobody did eliminate such support.

Looks like I’ll be using the Adobe tools for development as usual -
sprinkle in a little PHP and Python and there is no need for RoR -
what genius decided to stop supporting mySql?

MySQL (sic!) is supported just fine.


On 26 Oct 2009, at 15:41, TheTribster wrote:

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR. I have a MAC and after installing
Aptana RoR no longer see mySQL and after dozens of adjustments and
downloads it still doesn’t work. The fact that RoR decided that
SqlLite is the default database is a pretty good indicator this is a
toy environment. WTF? Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.

Looks like I’ll be using the Adobe tools for development as usual -
sprinkle in a little PHP and Python and there is no need for RoR -
what genius decided to stop supporting mySql?

Rails has this thing called database abstraction, maybe a good idea
for you to look that up:

And then there’s this:

Keeping an eye on what’s happening within a certain framework is
always a good idea, instead of just going on a completely absurd rant:

"SQLite3 is the new default database
Most importantly is SQLite3 as the new database we’ll configure for by
default when you run the rails generation command without any
specification. This change comes as SQLite3 is simply an easier out of
the box experience than MySQL. There’s no fussing with GRANTs and
creates, the database is just there. This is especially so under OS X
10.5 Leopard, which ships with SQLite3 and the driver gems
preinstalled as part of the development kit.

If you want to preconfigure your database for MySQL (or any of the
other adapters), you simply do “rails -d mysql myapp” and everything
is the same as before. But if you’re just playing with a new
application or building a smallish internal tool, then I strongly
recommend having a look at SQLite3. Thanks to the agnostic db/
schema.rb, it’s as easy as changing your config/database.yml to switch
from SQLite3 to MySQL (or another database) as soon as your load
warrants it."

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Am 26.10.2009 um 15:41 schrieb TheTribster:

Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.

And that certainly makes it the best, sure… I won’t even care respond
to the other points, others have done that already. Come back when you
have done a little bit of reading of, I don’t know, maybe the rails
guides on the rails homepage, or any other tutorial out there?


TheTribster wrote:

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR. I have a MAC and after installing
Aptana […]

It’s OK. I gave up on RoR five times. I just wasn’t ready for it.
If I were you, I’d use Netbeans, instead of Aptana. It’s free and much
better. Of course, you could try Rubymine, but it’s not free (although
it is also much, much better).
There are tons of ways to develop in RoR and it’s down to preference -
but if you went for Aptana, again, Netbeans may be a good choice for you
for now.
It also sounds like you should start from scratch, and really read the
beginning docs. They are very helpful, and one needs a lot to get
started - but after the initial hurdle, it is a lot of fun.

TheTribster wrote:

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR. I have a MAC and after installing

…which is not a particularly good IDE for Rails…

RoR no longer see mySQL and after dozens of adjustments and
downloads it still doesn’t work. The fact that RoR decided that
SqlLite is the default database is a pretty good indicator this is a
toy environment.

It is not. There are a large number of high-traffic commercial sites
done with Rails. Just don’t use a toy DB and you’ll be fine.

WTF? Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.

The support exists, and plenty of people are using mySQL successfully
with current versions of Rails. Did you install the mysql gem?

(That said, I think mySQL is something of a toy DB, and I would
recommend PostgreSQL instead. I also think the decision to make SQLite
the default was silly. But it takes about 10 seconds to override that

Looks like I’ll be using the Adobe tools for development as usual -
sprinkle in a little PHP and Python and there is no need for RoR -

You got it backwards. Sprinkle in a little Ruby and there is no need
for an inferior language like PHP. :slight_smile:

(Yes, I’m a former PHP developer.)

what genius decided to stop supporting mySql?

It is still supported – you just now need to explicitly install the


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Aldric G. wrote:

TheTribster wrote:

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR. I have a MAC and after installing
Aptana […]

It’s OK. I gave up on RoR five times. I just wasn’t ready for it.
If I were you, I’d use Netbeans, instead of Aptana. It’s free and much
better. Of course, you could try Rubymine, but it’s not free (although
it is also much, much better).

Or better, use neither. KomodoEdit, jEdit, or TextMate, in conjunction
with a bunch of terminal windows, will get you a long way. I maintain
that Rails does not benefit much from conventional IDEs.


It also sounds like you should start from scratch, and really read the
beginning docs.

Oh heck yes. The guides at are quite valuable.
So are RyanBates’ Railscasts (and their transcriptions at ASCIIcasts).

They are very helpful, and one needs a lot to get
started - but after the initial hurdle, it is a lot of fun.

Indeed. I find Rails development – especially when done test-first –
to be pure exhilaration.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

I agree that an IDE is not necessary for rails. If you understand the
conventions and follow them, then you don’t need an IDE to help you
figure out where things are in your project. I do think that a text
editor that can find things in a project tree and do regular
expression find/replace is very helpful, so TextMate is a good
solution for me.

I also believe that mysql was extracted into its own gem about a year
ago, since it was decided that the framework itself should be agnostic
about which db to use. SQLite is there so that you can use a
lightweight db out of the box, but you should install the particular
gem for the production database you’re going to use. That way people
who are going to use PostgreSQL don’t have to have MySQL included in
the framework, and vice versa.

On Oct 26, 11:48 am, Marnen Laibow-Koser <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-

TheTribster wrote:

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR.
Don’t! Try again. Your efforts we’ll be compensated several times with
I have a MAC and after installing
Aptana RoR no longer see mySQL and after dozens of adjustments and
downloads it still doesn’t work.
Well… I used NetBeans as my default RoR IDE until I bought RubyMine. I
tried Aptana, but it’s too heavy (oh well, it’s an Eclipse based IDE)
and too slow. I strongly suggest that you give NetBeans a try.
The fact that RoR decided that
SqlLite is the default database is a pretty good indicator this is a
toy environment. WTF? Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.

RoR supports MySQL perfectly. I have a half dozen RoR applications
running, all with MySQL. It’s a killer combination.
But for the development stage (mostly the most earlier stages) SQLLite
works like a charm. It’s simply perfect.
Try to install and configure MySQL. Then RoR. Then the mysql gem. Then
read de Rails Guides and documentation.

Looks like I’ll be using the Adobe tools for development as usual -
sprinkle in a little PHP and Python and there is no need for RoR -
what genius decided to stop supporting mySql?

Nobody… as RoR support for MySQL is still intact and gettin’ better
day by day.
The RoR Dev Team simply changed the default database to SQLLite… and
that’s it.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:41 AM, TheTribster
[email protected] wrote:

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR. I have a MAC and after installing
Aptana RoR no longer see mySQL and after dozens of adjustments and
downloads it still doesn’t work.
And what makes you think that the problem is RoR and not the stupid
semi automagic IDE tool you’re using?
What the hell has that IDE to do with RoR itself?

The fact that RoR decided that
SqlLite is the default database is a pretty good indicator this is a
toy environment. WTF?
You’re saying this by yourself, can you review your words? DEFAULT
doesn’t mean ONLY, so the fact that SQLite is the default database it
doesn’t mean that it is the only supported database.

Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.
Have you read the docs? (I wont say the next word, but you can imagine)

Looks like I’ll be using the Adobe tools for development as usual -
sprinkle in a little PHP and Python and there is no need for RoR -
what genius decided to stop supporting mySql?
Yeah, you better do, RoR might be a bit out of your reach if you’re
not smart enough to read a few docs before starting to talk nonsense

I really can’t believe this post. I’ve been a newbie, I thank the help
I’ve received, I’ve seen newbies, and I’m glad to help people when
they, at the very least THINK and try to learn. But this kind of
idiots?? I really hope he go back to PHP and whatever stupid IDE he
was using.

Sorry to everybody else for some of my words, but I cannot understand
how people can reach that level of stupidness, and dare to post.

Leonardo M…
There’s no place like ~

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 9:41 AM, TheTribster
[email protected] wrote:

After 3 days I am giving up on RoR.

Awesome, see ya.

I have a MAC and after installing

IDEs are a crutch. Learn the API.

RoR no longer see mySQL and after dozens of adjustments and
downloads it still doesn’t work. The fact that RoR decided that
SqlLite is the default database is a pretty good indicator this is a
toy environment.

Toy environment? Matt W. processes more than 250TBs of genetic data
per day:

Do these look like toy sites to you?

WTF? Why would you eliminate support for the most
popular database on the internet? Stupid.

Free clue: It’s not been eliminated, it’s just not the default anymore.

Looks like I’ll be using the Adobe tools for development as usual -

Whatever floats your boat. I wouldn’t be caught dead using anything but

sprinkle in a little PHP and Python and there is no need for RoR -

So why are you here again?

what genius decided to stop supporting mySql?

See above. Also, the preferred spelling is MySQL, not whatever you

Greg D.

Successful troll is successful.

I find it awesome that nobody’s recognised a troll. Wow, great work