Ruby and LLVM

Ruby 1.9.3 has some issues building with LLVM (as opposed to GCC), and
while in some cases it seems like making symbolic link changes or giving
config options like --with-gcc=clang makes building 1.9.3 with LLVM
work, it’s still somewhat messy. Does anyone know if Ruby will
officially support LLVM moving forward?

This is primarily an issue for Mac users right now (as Apple now ships
LLVM as the default compiler as of Xcode 4.2), but LLVM is by no means
restricted to use on Macs.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 04:45:20AM +0900, David K. wrote:

Ruby 1.9.3 has some issues building with LLVM (as opposed to GCC), and
while in some cases it seems like making symbolic link changes or giving
config options like --with-gcc=clang makes building 1.9.3 with LLVM
work, it’s still somewhat messy. Does anyone know if Ruby will
officially support LLVM moving forward?

This is primarily an issue for Mac users right now (as Apple now ships
LLVM as the default compiler as of Xcode 4.2), but LLVM is by no means
restricted to use on Macs.

FreeBSD is moving to Clang/LLVM as its default C compiler so, as you
it is far from a matter restricted to use on Macs.

Interesting, I didn’t know FreeBSD was investing in it that heavily.
Thanks for the information.

I think LLVM is a great project - it’s just unfortunate that most things
are still designed GCC-first so quirks can make LLVM have problems.

Dave Kapp
Coshx Labs