I am new to Ruby , but have a few years of experience in C++.
My requirement is to create automated test (scripts) that will do the
testing (mainly acceptance test) of our application (an Exe project
created on C++). I intend to use Ruby for the automated test.
My concerns are as follows.
How can Ruby connect to my application (exe project on C++). Do I
require to have a COM interface exposed from my exe application so that
Ruby can call the interface methods from out of process and execute the
Are there any easier alternatives?
Please advice.
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Kevin J. [email protected]
How can Ruby connect to my application (exe project on C++). Do I
And as an (IMO) tons nicer alternative to SWIG, please give Rice a try:
Of course, these might be mis-reading your initial question. Are you
about connecting Ruby to an already running process and running tests on
said process? If so, there might be some stuff in the win32- gems but
never done this specifically so I’m not sure.
My requirement is to create automated test (scripts) that will do the
testing (mainly acceptance test) of our application (an Exe project
created on C++). I intend to use Ruby for the automated test.
SWIG and Rice are good options, but if you want a fast cheap (not the
safest way of doing this) option… pipe the output of your executable
into ruby.
system(“executablename.exe”) | manipulate output here.
Again, not recommended but it would still work.
win32ole might be useful if your application already has COM interface
read more about win32ole here at
From: George T. [email protected]
To: ruby-talk ML [email protected]
Sent: Monday, 14 September, 2009 4:39:30 AM
Subject: Ruby and C++ exe
I am new to Ruby , but have a few years of experience in C++.
My requirement is to create automated test (scripts) that will do the
testing (mainly acceptance test) of our application (an Exe project
created on C++). I intend to use Ruby for the automated test.
My concerns are as follows.
How can Ruby connect to my application (exe project on C++). Do I
require to have a COM interface exposed from my exe application so that
Ruby can call the interface methods from out of process and execute the
Are there any easier alternatives?
Please advice.
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