Rubinius, Watir, RSpec, hpricot, YARV, YAML, rubygems, rake, rinda, erb,
irb, IronRuby, jruby, webistrano, attachment_fu, rubyscript2exe,
cplusruby, dike, GOD, mongrel, scrubyt, PDF::Writer, curses, rexml,
fire, dcov, rassmalog, Metadata, tinderbox, … … … the list goes
Is there a one-stop shop where all these things are defined and indexed
with a short pedestrian explanation of what all they are and do?
There’s SO much going on, it’s hard to keep up. Or, is it just me?
Todd B. wrote:
Rubinius, Watir, RSpec, hpricot, YARV, YAML, rubygems, rake, rinda, erb,
irb, IronRuby, jruby, webistrano, attachment_fu, rubyscript2exe,
cplusruby, dike, GOD, mongrel, scrubyt, PDF::Writer, curses, rexml,
fire, dcov, rassmalog, Metadata, tinderbox, … … … the list goes
Is there a one-stop shop where all these things are defined and indexed
with a short pedestrian explanation of what all they are and do?
There’s SO much going on, it’s hard to keep up. Or, is it just me?
There are (near) countless libs and tools for Ruby, and the list keeps
growing. Many of them have projects on, which might be
the best place to look first for information.
To stay on top of things, many people subscribe to rss or atom feeds for
numerous Ruby blogs.
There are some resources for this listed on
James B.
“We are using here a powerful strategy of synthesis: wishful thinking.”
- H. Abelson and G. Sussman
(in "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)
On Sep 28, 2007, at 11:30 AM, Todd B. wrote:
with a short pedestrian explanation of what all they are and do?
There’s SO much going on, it’s hard to keep up. Or, is it just me?
Posted via
Not, really, but maybe there should be…
Something of a Ruby Wiki
Or just Wikipedia Ruby stuff…
On Sep 28, 2007, at 1:29 PM, SonOfLilit wrote:
Oh, you mean RubyGarden? Google for it.
Woefully out of date and not maintained well if at all.
Better, check out Ruby Inside, subscribe to the RSS or just visit it
It’s pretty amazing how much Peter C. can gather there almost daily.
Like a one man Ruby Reuters
Oh, you mean RubyGarden? Google for it.
John J. wrote:
On Sep 28, 2007, at 1:29 PM, SonOfLilit wrote:
Oh, you mean RubyGarden? Google for it.
Woefully out of date and not maintained well if at all.
I wonder who we can contact to get them to maintain it better and keep
it up to date?
Question for whomever: when you visit a wiki that allows general
open-access, and you find something that is wrong, or incomplete, or
dated, do you fix it or add a comment indicating that the current
content is flawed?
If not, why not? Time? Barriers to entry? Poor language skills?
James B.
“In physics the truth is rarely perfectly clear, and that is certainly
universally the case in human affairs. Hence, what is not surrounded
uncertainty cannot be the truth.”