[Ruby 1.9 - Bug #21] (Assigned) should terminate @receiver_thread of Net::IMAP safely

Issue #21 has been reported by Shugo M…

Bug #21: should terminate @receiver_thread of Net::IMAP safely

Author: Shugo M.
Status: Assigned
Priority: Normal
Assigned to: Shugo M.
Target version:

@receiver_thread of Net::IMAP may be terminated by exception,
and this causes the process termination if Thread.abort_on_exception is

Then Net::IMAP#disconnect does not call @receiver_thread.join if
raises an exception.

Reported by Tanaka A. in [ruby-dev:34821].

e$B%A%1%C%He(B #21 e$B$,99?7$5$l$^$7$?!#e(B (by Yusuke E.)

e$B%+%F%4%je(B libe$B$K%;%C%He(B
Target version 1.9.xe$B$+$ie(B1.9.2e$B$KJQ99e(B
ruby -v -e$B$K%;%C%He(B

Hi, Shugo

Is this issue still unsolved?

Yusuke E. [email protected]


e$B%A%1%C%He(B #21 e$B$,99?7$5$l$^$7$?!#e(B (by Shugo M.)

e$B%9%F!<%?%9e(B Assignede$B$+$ie(BClosede$B$KJQ99e(B
e$B?JD=e(B % 0e$B$+$ie(B100e$B$KJQ99e(B

This issue was solved with changeset r27690.
Shugo, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
