Ruby 1.9.2 Constant Lookup with BasicObject

ruby-1.9.2-p0 > module M
ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> end
=> nil
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > class X < BasicObject
ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> include M
ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> end
NameError: uninitialized constant X::M
from (irb):4:in <class:X>' from (irb):3 from /home/trans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin/irb:17:in

module M is defined inside Object space.
X is one level above it - it is inside BasicObject( where no Object
space is visible)
Inside X you try to include an object from other space (one level below)
I think it will work if you include Object::M

On Aug 31, 8:50 am, Eugen C. [email protected] wrote:

=> nil
ruby-1.9.2-p0> class X< BasicObject
ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> include M
ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> end
NameError: uninitialized constant X::M
from (irb):4:in <class:X>' from (irb):3 from /home/trans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin/irb:17:in

I filed a bug report on Ruby’s issue tracker and matz brought up the
same. Here’s my take:

I see the technical reason it occurs, but to accept that as proper
behavior is going to hobble the usefulness of BasicObject.

First of all, it means one’s ability to open a class and modify it
will be conditional. One will have to check if it is a BasicObject
upfront. That’s easy to do if you’re working with one class you
already know, but consider how it effects doing some meta-programming
where code is injected into any arbitrary class.

Worst still is that it makes importing code into a namespace very
fragile. Consider the simplistic example of having some code in a
script to eval into a module.

module M

If file.rb contains:

class R

class Q < BasicObject
def r;; end

Then it will break whether we use R or ::R.

I feel the underlying issue here goes back to some other issues we’ve
discussed some years ago about the top-level. Routing the toplevel to
Object is not as flexible or robust as having a toplevel be an
independent self-extended module in which constant resolution would

The rules of constant name resolution have changed with BasicObject.
There was a step before that said that if nesting and ancestors didn’t
find it, you checked Object.

I’d like to know the current complete algorithm, including const_missing


I understand your complain. But the solution should be concrete, and
hopefully consistent with other parts of the language. I am not sure
your “a toplevel being an independent self-extended module” proposal
is the way to go (yet).


In message “Re: Ruby 1.9.2 Constant Lookup with BasicObject”
on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 23:23:53 +0900, Intransition
[email protected] writes:
|On Aug 31, 8:50 am, Eugen C. [email protected] wrote:
|> module M is defined inside Object space.
|> X is one level above it - it is inside BasicObject( where no Object
|> space is visible)
|> Inside X you try to include an object from other space (one level below)
|> I think it will work if you include Object::M
|> On 08/30/2010 07:47 PM, Intransition wrote:
|> > ruby-1.9.2-p0> module M
|> > ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> end
|> > => nil
|> > ruby-1.9.2-p0> class X< BasicObject
|> > ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> include M
|> > ruby-1.9.2-p0 ?> end
|> > NameError: uninitialized constant X::M
|> > from (irb):4:in <class:X>' |> > from (irb):3 |> > from /home/trans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin/irb:17:in
|I filed a bug report on Ruby’s issue tracker and matz brought up the
|same. Here’s my take:
|I see the technical reason it occurs, but to accept that as proper
|behavior is going to hobble the usefulness of BasicObject.
|First of all, it means one’s ability to open a class and modify it
|will be conditional. One will have to check if it is a BasicObject
|upfront. That’s easy to do if you’re working with one class you
|already know, but consider how it effects doing some meta-programming
|where code is injected into any arbitrary class.
|Worst still is that it makes importing code into a namespace very
|fragile. Consider the simplistic example of having some code in a
|script to eval into a module.
| module M
| eval(‘file.rb’))
| end
|If file.rb contains:
| class R
| end
| class Q < BasicObject
| def r;; end
| end
|Then it will break whether we use R or ::R.
|I feel the underlying issue here goes back to some other issues we’ve
|discussed some years ago about the top-level. Routing the toplevel to
|Object is not as flexible or robust as having a toplevel be an
|independent self-extended module in which constant resolution would

After some trial and error it seems the algorithm is the same as in
1.8 if we take into account that the special rule that checks Object
as a last resort applies only to modules.