I downloaded ruby 1.9.1-preview1 and ran ./configure --enable-
threads=no on both Leopard and an old RH box. According to the
configure script, this is a valid option. However, when I try to run
make, I get an error:
gcc -O2 -g -Wall -Wno-parentheses -pipe -fno-common -I. -I.ext/
include/i386-darwin9.5.0 -I./include -I. -DRUBY_EXPORT -
D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -o dmyencoding.o -c dmyencoding.c
make: *** No rule to make target thread_.h', needed by
miniprelude.o’. Stop.
Is this an actual bug in the build, or is the configure script simply
wrong in saying that ruby 1.9 can build w/o pthread?
Tom M.klin