I upgraded for fun today and ruby is complaining that rails methods
are now ‘private’ like ActiveRecord update and Time to_date
I upgraded for fun today and ruby is complaining that rails methods
are now ‘private’ like ActiveRecord update and Time to_date
I get messages like this:
NoMethodError: private method update' called for #<Xyz:0x33ee2b8> NoMethodError: private method
create’ called for #Xyz:0x34050f8
Which is a regular ActiveRecord object
I’m not seeing the Time to_date NoMethodError that I saw earlier
Now I am seeing the to_date problem again (strange)
NoMethodError: private method `to_date’ called for Tue Mar 13 04:10:37
UTC 2007:Time
which is a regular rails extension to Time
The to_date method problem is on rails 1.2.2
The update and create method problem is on rails edge
Both of them don’t appear to like Ruby 1.8.6
On 3/12/07, dysinger [email protected] wrote:
The to_date method problem is on rails 1.2.2
The update and create method problem is on rails edgeBoth of them don’t appear to like Ruby 1.8.6
This and other 1.8.6 incompatibilities are fixed in the upcoming Rails
1.2.3 release. Look for it shortly.
I haven’t seen that #update/create error on trunk.
Ok I got everything working now with rails edge and ruby 1.8.6
Only changes I had to make were no calling create and update on active
record models but instead calling save
On 3/13/07, dysinger [email protected] wrote:
Ok I got everything working now with rails edge and ruby 1.8.6
Only changes I had to make were no calling create and update on active
record models but instead calling save
Base#create and #update have always been private methods. They ‘broke’
because they were accidentally made public by wrapper methods and a
recent change made them private again:
So this is unrelated to Ruby 1.8.6.
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