RSS Parser Help

I am trying to parse a rss file. I use the rss module to do it.

Suppose this is the data file,

Singapore Airlines Asia Travel - A345 All Business Class to Asia Fri, 18 Sep 2009 22:56:33 +0000 galvezcreative's bookmarks Industry-Airlines marketing

How do I parse to get value in category( In the above example it is
Industry-Airlines and marketing).

When i try rss.items[0].category , I get the entire element( In the
above case, Industry-Airlines)


In [email protected]
“RSS Parser Help…” on Sat, 19 Sep 2009 09:21:36 +0900,
Gim I. [email protected] wrote:


How do I parse to get value in category( In the above example it is
Industry-Airlines and marketing).

rss.items[0].categories.each do |category|
p category.content

When i try rss.items[0].category , I get the entire element( In the
above case, Industry-Airlines)

rss.items[0].category returns Category object not “<category
…>…” string. (Hint: Category object has #to_s
method that returns “<category …>…” string)


Thanks! I was using regular expressions to do this task!

On Sep 18, 8:21 pm, Gim I. [email protected] wrote:


How do I parse to get value in category( In the above example it is
Industry-Airlines and marketing).

When i try rss.items[0].category , I get the entire element( In the
above case, Industry-Airlines)

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Alternate biterscripting script.

Script category.txt

var str rss ; cat “file.rss” > $rss
while ( { sen -r -c “^^” $rss } > 0 )
var str category ; stex -r -c “^<category&>&</category>^” $rss >
stex -r -c “^<category&>^]” $category > null ; stex -r -c “[^</
category>^” $category > null
echo $category

For documentation on stex (string extractor) command, see
