Rss feed - blog

I am trying to pull in the 5 latest blog post into my website. Are
there any easy ways to do this?

You probably need to provide more information here.

Is the blog data in the same database as your web site’s? If so,
something as simple as:


may work.

Can you fetch it via RSS, XML, or some other format and parse it for
display? If so, you can have your web site fetch it, format, and
display it.

Without more context, you won’t get useful answers.

Michael G. wrote:

You probably need to provide more information here.

Is the blog data in the same database as your web site’s? If so,
something as simple as:


may work.

Can you fetch it via RSS, XML, or some other format and parse it for
display? If so, you can have your web site fetch it, format, and
display it.

Without more context, you won’t get useful answers.

yes i can fetch it via rss and xml. the blog is hosted by blogspot.

Jimmy P. writes:

yes i can fetch it via rss and xml. the blog is hosted by blogspot.

I recommend using the Simple RSS gem.

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