RSRuby 0.4

Hi All,

I have released a new version of RSRuby on rubyforge today:

RSRuby allows the user to embed a full R interpreter into a Ruby
script. This allows the script to call any R function and convert the
result back into Ruby. From the R website: ‘R is a free software
environment for statistical computing and graphics.’. Running a
students t-test (or any other R function) is as simple as:

require ‘rsruby’
r=RSRuby.instance #Create R interpreter
ttest = r.t_test([1,2,3]) #Convert [1,2,3] to R. Run t.test
function and convert result back to Ruby
puts ttest[‘p.value’] #Prints out p.value statistic from the
ttest object

In this new release, the whole codebase has been moved over to an RPy
( derived core, which has resulted in
some changes and new features as well as improved stability.
Documentation is still patchy, though there are some examples
included in the release and an almost complete conversion of the RPy
test suite. A better manual/tutorial is on my list of things for the
next release, until then the RPy manual may help.

Dr Alex G.
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Bioinformatics Center
Institute for Chemical Research
Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011

On Mon, 16 Oct 2006, Alex G. wrote:

is as simple as:
changes and new features as well as improved stability. Documentation is
Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011

insanely cool stuff alex!


[email protected] wrote:

result back into Ruby. From the R website: 'R is a free software
In this new release, the whole codebase has been moved over to an RPy
Bioinformatics Center
Institute for Chemical Research
Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011

insanely cool stuff alex!


Yeah … maybe this will save me the trouble of getting the SWIG stuff
working. Actually, though, I have been able to build a SWIG-wrapped R
shared library, after about a week of wrestling with the header files,
but I haven’t had a chance to try out any test cases, so I have no idea
what it will do.

In the long run, I think I still want to do the SWIG wrapping, because,
at least for simple libraries, it’s scripting-language agnostic. You do
one set of interface files and you can access your library from Ruby,
Python, Perl, PHP (4), a couple of Schemes, Lua, Pike (whatever that
is), Java and one variant of Common Lisp (clisp IIRC).

Incidentally, my version of R also builds a shared LAPACK. I think it’s
the FORTRAN-callable version, though, not the C-callable version. I
haven’t been able to find a full Ruby/LAPACK interface. There’s a piece
of it in the Ruby GSL package, and another version in something called
“linalg”. I haven’t been able to get “linalg” to build, though.

puts ttest[‘p.value’] #Prints out p.value statistic from the
ttest object

That looks really great.

However, I have a couple of points about the conversion:

  • R Logicals (true/false) <=> Ruby true/false
  • R Integers <=> Ruby Fixnum/Bignum
  • R Numeric <=> Ruby Float
  • R String <=> Ruby String

These guys are all vectors in R - do you mean vectors of length one
are converted to the corresponding Ruby primitives? (Also,
confusingly, in R a string is called a character vector of length 1)

  • R Vector <=> Ruby Array (homogeneous)

There isn’t really a vector “class” in R, independent of the things
listed above.

  • R List <=> Ruby Hash

I think a better mapping would be to Ara’s ArrayFields class. Lists
in R can be accessed by name or by position.



require ‘rsruby’
r=RSRuby.instance #Create R interpreter
ttest = r.t_test([1,2,3]) #Convert [1,2,3] to R. Run t.test

Also, calling t_test instead of t.test is a bit worrying, suggesting
that you are automatically converting _ to . - not a good idea!


Alex G. wrote:

RSRuby allows the user to embed a full R interpreter into a Ruby script.

Please add an entry for RSRuby to RAA so that it can be found easily.
I suggest putting the entry into the Math subcategory of the Library
category because that category already contains several pointers to
statistics-related software. The question is if “library” correctly
describes what RSRuby is but I consider the term more appropriate
than “application”. Besides that: æ??ã??é?£ã?御座ã?まã?å??ç?? :slight_smile:

Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt

On 16 Oct 2006, at 22:37, hadley wickham wrote:

puts ttest[‘p.value’] #Prints out p.value

  • R String <=> Ruby String

These guys are all vectors in R - do you mean vectors of length one
are converted to the corresponding Ruby primitives? (Also,
confusingly, in R a string is called a character vector of length 1)

Yes you are quite correct. In the basic (default) conversion mode
vectors of length one are converted to Ruby primitives. However, in
the ‘vector’ conversion mode an Array of length one is returned
instead (closer to R semantics). E.g.

irb(main):001:0> require ‘rsruby’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> r = RSRuby.instance
=> #RSRuby:0xb7d11220
irb(main):003:0> r.sum(1,2,3).class
=> Fixnum
irb(main):004:0> RSRuby.set_default_mode(RSRuby::VECTOR_CONVERSION)
=> 1
irb(main):005:0> r.sum(1,2,3).class
=> Array

See the RPy manual for a fuller discussion of the conversion modes.
RSRuby pretty much uses an identical scheme.

  • R Vector <=> Ruby Array (homogeneous)

There isn’t really a vector “class” in R, independent of the things
listed above.

Yes - this is a simplification and indeed the documentation is
slightly misleading here. In basic mode R vectors/lists of length > 1
that don’t have a ‘names’ attribute are converted to Arrays.

  • R List <=> Ruby Hash

Whereas if a ‘names’ attribute is included then the vector/list is
converted to a Hash

I think a better mapping would be to Ara’s ArrayFields class. Lists
in R can be accessed by name or by position.

I tentatively agree. My goal for this release was to implement the
RPy conversion routines and test suite as faithfully as possible. In
RPy named lists/vectors are converted to Python Dictionaries which
are (exactly?) equivalent to Ruby Hashes so I kept to that scheme.

As a Ruby programmer first and an R programmer second my general
philosophy was too try and force R concepts into Ruby (hence
converting lists to Hashes) rather than vice-versa. Using something
like ArrayFields gets us closer to R but at the cost of moving away
from ‘canonical’ (i.e. standard library) Ruby. Clearly this is a
balancing act between getting as close to R semantics as possible
without moving too far from ‘normal’ Ruby. For me that balance point
may lie closer to Ruby than for other users.

One final point: The RSRuby conversion routines can be customised by
the user using the ‘proc’ and ‘class’ conversion modes. These
conversion modes are quite powerful and are designed to allow the
user to implement custom routines for any R/Ruby interconversion they
want. Implementing a list <-> ArrayFields converter in the current
system is (moderately) trivial. The code below implements the R ->
Ruby side. One would need to write a suitable to_r method for Array
to do the conversion the other way - left as an exercise for the
reader :wink:

require ‘rubygems’
require_gem ‘arrayfields’
require ‘rsruby’

test_proc = lambda{|x| #This lambda function is called on each
object returned by R
r = RSRuby.instance
names = r.attr(x,‘names’) #It simply tests whether the ‘names’
attribute is present
if names.nil?
return false #returns false if names are not set
return true #returns true if they are

conv_proc = lambda{|x| #If the above function returns true then
this conversion routine is used
r = RSRuby.instance #instead of the inbuilt RSRuby ones.
names = r.attr(x,‘names’) #Retrieve the names
hash = x.to_ruby #Convert the object (x) to Ruby -
results in a Hash
array = [] #But we want an ArrayField
array.fields = names #Set the field names for the ArrayField
names.each do |field| #Set the ArrayField values according to
the values in the Hash
array[field] = hash[field]
return array #Return the Array

r = RSRuby.instance #Start R
r.t_test.autoconvert(RSRuby::PROC_CONVERSION) #Set the t.test method
to use proc conversion
r.proc_table[test_proc] = conv_proc #Setup the proc table.
conv_proc is run if test_proc returns

ttest = r.t_test([1,2,3]) #Call t.test function -
returns list in R
puts ttest.class #Normally list <=>
Hash, but here it’s an array!
ttest.each_pair do |field,val| #But not just any array

  • an array with fields!
    puts “#{field} - #{val}”

puts ttest[1…3] #That retains order!

Dr Alex G.
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Bioinformatics Center
Institute for Chemical Research
Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011

The current release doesn’t have an option to turn off the automatic
function name conversion but it would be very easy to add. Many (the
majority?) of the R functions I’ve seen use ‘.’ as a word separator,

Well, generally, the correct use of the . is for S3 methods, to
separate the function and class name. However, in the past, because _
was used for assignment, many methods were named t.test instead of the
more correct t_test (t.test is not the t method for the test class)

but I agree it is naive to think that all functions will do this. The
automatic conversion will stay in though because it is much prettier
(in my opinion) to write:


than the alternative:


I agree that it is nicer, it will just seriously screw up anyone
trying to use methods containing _. No great ideas for a better
syntax though.


On 16 Oct 2006, at 22:39, hadley wickham wrote:

require ‘rsruby’
r=RSRuby.instance #Create R interpreter
ttest = r.t_test([1,2,3]) #Convert [1,2,3] to R. Run

Also, calling t_test instead of t.test is a bit worrying, suggesting
that you are automatically converting _ to . - not a good idea!


Hmmm. Yes ‘t_test’ is automatically converted to ‘t.test’. Again,
this is the system used by RPy, which I have been slavishly copying -
perhaps it is non-optimal.

The current release doesn’t have an option to turn off the automatic
function name conversion but it would be very easy to add. Many (the
majority?) of the R functions I’ve seen use ‘.’ as a word separator,
but I agree it is naive to think that all functions will do this. The
automatic conversion will stay in though because it is much prettier
(in my opinion) to write:


than the alternative:


If you can think of another scheme for calling these kind of methods
then I’d be happy to hear it.

Dr Alex G.
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Bioinformatics Center
Institute for Chemical Research
Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011

=> Fixnum
irb(main):004:0> RSRuby.set_default_mode(RSRuby::VECTOR_CONVERSION)
=> 1
irb(main):005:0> r.sum(1,2,3).class
=> Array

That seems a fair comprise to me, especially given that the precise R
semantics aren’t well defined due to the default operation of [ to
drop dimensions of size 1.

I think a better mapping would be to Ara’s ArrayFields class. Lists
in R can be accessed by name or by position.

I tentatively agree. My goal for this release was to implement the
RPy conversion routines and test suite as faithfully as possible. In
RPy named lists/vectors are converted to Python Dictionaries which
are (exactly?) equivalent to Ruby Hashes so I kept to that scheme.

That’s a very reasonable goal. RSRuby really does look great and I’ll
look forward to being able to use R from within ruby.


Well, while harder, it is pretty easy to write an API that responds to:
assuming that “t” isn’t some sort of R function. (See FlexMock for an
example API.)

Unfortunately, in this case, t is a R function (but not in general).


Alex G. wrote:

automatic conversion will stay in though because it is much prettier
(in my opinion) to write:


than the alternative:


Well, while harder, it is pretty easy to write an API that responds to:
assuming that “t” isn’t some sort of R function. (See FlexMock for an
example API.)

Now, I know zero about R, so… bleh.
