Rspec response.should have_selector not matching

Hi all,
I got some problems with my integration test. I have a form were a new
user can sign up. If the form is blank and submitted the normal error
occur. The error div has an id “error_explanation”. In my integration
test i try to match it but the test is always red. Here some Code:

encoding : utf-8

require ‘spec_helper’

describe “Users” do

describe “signup” do
describe “failure” do

   it "should not make a new user" do
     lambda do
       visit registrieren_path
       fill_in "Benutzername", :with => ""
       fill_in "Email", :with => ""
       fill_in "Passwort", :with => ""
       fill_in "Passwort besttigen", :with => ""
       response.should render_template('users/new')
       response.should have_selector("div", :id => 

end.should_not change(User, :count)

Here is the error:

expected following output to contain a


and the whole html output.

I checked my output and the strange thing is that i even can’t find the
form in the output. It looks like the test is checking the index page
instead of the one tried to reach with the visit registrieren_path.

I’m using Rspec Rails v.2.7.0 with Webrat 0.7.3

Hope someone got a hint for me :slight_smile:

Best regards


On 21.11.2011 20:24, Greg wrote:


Here is the error:
I’m using Rspec Rails v.2.7.0 with Webrat 0.7.3

Hope someone got a hint for me :slight_smile:

Best regards


Ok I found the error. I should have pass the submit buttons value to the
click_button function. Now the test is green :slight_smile:

Thanks anyway.

Regards Greg