Rspec-rails 1.2.9 Released

rspec-rails version 1.2.9 has been released!

Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby on Rails.


Version 1.2.9 / 2009-10-05

  • enhancements

    • added route_to and be_routable matchers (Randy H.). Closes #843.
    • Provide better failure message for render_template when redirected
      Nichols). Closes #885.
    • generated specs require ‘spec_helper’
  • bug fixes

    • pass the correct args to super in controller#render depending on the
      version (Lucas Carlson). Closes #865.
    • use Rack::Utils.parse_query to convert query strings to hashes.
      Closes #872.
    • errors correctly bubble up when a controller spec in isolation mode
      requests a non-existent action/template
      • no error if either action or template exist
      • error if neither exist
      • Closes #888.
  • removals

rubyforge seems to have picked up the rspec release, but not the
release – the web interface (at least) still says that the most recent
rspec-rails is

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Chris F. [email protected] wrote:

rubyforge seems to have picked up the rspec release, but not the rspec-rails
release – the web interface (at least) still says that the most recent
rspec-rails is

It’s actually in the rspec package (with the rspec gem) on

Also, I get this:

$ gem q -rn rspec-rails


rspec-rails (1.2.9,

So it’s up there, just slightly visually confusing. I’ll see what I
can do to clean things up.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Chris F. [email protected] wrote:

rubyforge seems to have picked up the rspec release, but not the rspec-rails
release – the web interface (at least) still says that the most recent
rspec-rails is

The gems repository is right, though. Running “gem outdated” tells me
that both rspec and rspec-rails are at 1.2.9.

Except for an RDoc error of “Could not find main page README.rdoc,”
both installed fine.

Have Fun,
Steve E. ([email protected])
ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine

Oh, I see it. Thanks; scanned right past it…

David C. wrote:

rspec-rails version 1.2.9 has been released!

Any suggestion for why I’d get the following exception when trying to
run spec_server on windows with rspec 1.3.1? This is my first time
trying to get this working so I can’t say that it worked with 1.2.9.

19: undefined method use_transactional_fixtures=' for #<Spec::Runner::Configura tion:0xe12b854> (NoMethodError) from (druby:// C:/InstantRailsAS4/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/ gems/rspec-1.2.9/lib/spec/runner.rb:41:in configure’
from (druby://
from (druby://
load_without _new_constant_marking' from (druby:// C:/InstantRailsAS4/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/ gems/activesupport-2.3.3/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:145:in load’
from (druby://
new_constant s_in' from (druby:// C:/InstantRailsAS4/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/ gems/activesupport-2.3.3/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:145:in load’
from (druby:// script/spec_server:97:in run' from C:/InstantRailsAS4/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.2.9/lib/spec /runner/drb_command_line.rb:17:in run’
/runner/option_parser.rb:199:in parse_drb' from C:/InstantRailsAS4/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.2.9/lib/spec /runner/option_parser.rb:130:in order!’
/runner.rb:51:in options' from C:/InstantRailsAS4/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.2.9/lib/spec /runner/command_line.rb:6:in run’

Mike Vogel wrote:

Same problem when using version rspec-rails 1.2.9 and rspec 1.2.9. I
uninstalled both gems, reinstalled rspec-rails letting it pull in the
version of rspec it depends on. I re-ran ‘ruby script/generate rspec’
and let it replace all the files. I copied spec_server from
GitHub - dchelimsky/spec_server: spec_server extracted from rspec-rails-1.2.6.

spec spec runs all the specs successfully.
autospec without the --drb option runs all specs successfully
autospec with -drb option fails with “undefined method
`use_transactional_fixtures='” exception.

Any suggestions for what to causes exception: undefined method
when running on windows with:
rspec (1.2.9)
rspec-rails (1.2.9)
ruby script/spec_server
autospec with --drb option