[RSpec] Question about using TextMate Bundle

Hey Everyone,

First time poster! woot!

Can someone please point me to a Wiki, FAQ, web page, that I can
to help me debug why my installation of the TextMate Bundle doesn’t

Am I supposed to install the gem, then install the plugins into a
then install the bundle before the bundle can work?

I can run ‘rake spec’ at the command line just fine; running the spec as
ruby file works too. I’d like to get the bundle working.


Bundleless in Richmond VA (Mel)

On 10/11/07, Mel R. [email protected] wrote:

Hey Everyone,

First time poster! woot!

Can someone please point me to a Wiki, FAQ, web page, that I can reference
to help me debug why my installation of the TextMate Bundle doesn’t work?

Start here:

Thanks for the quick response.

I followed the directions but I’m still getting errors trying to run the
spec from within TM.

I’m going to start fresh - uninstall everything and try again.

One thing I did notice is that there were three different ways to

  • gem install rspec
  • svn co …/tags/CURRENT/rspec
  • svn co …/trunk/RSpec.tmbundle

Is this ok?

I’ll post all my steps and error messages if I’m still having problems.

Thanks again for the quick response.


On 10/11/07, Mel R. [email protected] wrote:

  • gem install rspec
  • svn co …/tags/CURRENT/rspec
  • svn co …/trunk/RSpec.tmbundle

No - I need to update the docs. You want the same version of the
bundle as rspec - so …

  • svn co …/tags/CURRENT/rspec
  • svn co …/tags/CURRENT/RSpec.tmbundle


  • svn co …/trunk/rspec
  • svn co …/trunk/RSpec.tmbundle


Hey David,

I’m Golden now.

  • Uninstalled the gem
  • svn co …/tags/CURRENT/rspec && rspec_on_rails
  • svn co …/tags/CURRENT/RSpec.tmbundle
