Hi guys, I am having a problem with autospec. I upgraded to
rspec-1.2.6, then I tried to run my specs with autospec. All my specs
passes (green), until here, that’s all ok. The problem is that after
all my specs have passed, the autospec stops, I mean, it doesn’t
continue to run on background. The same behavior happened if one of my
specs fails too.
Is this the current default behavior os autospec, running your tests,
an then stop?
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Hugo B. [email protected]
Hi guys, I am having a problem with autospec. I upgraded to
rspec-1.2.6, then I tried to run my specs with autospec. All my specs
passes (green), until here, that’s all ok. The problem is that after
all my specs have passed, the autospec stops, I mean, it doesn’t
continue to run on background. The same behavior happened if one of my
specs fails too.
Is this in a rails app?
David C. wrote:
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Hugo B. [email protected]
Hi guys, I am having a problem with autospec. I upgraded to
rspec-1.2.6, then I tried to run my specs with autospec. All my specs
passes (green), until here, that’s all ok. The problem is that after
all my specs have passed, the autospec stops, I mean, �it doesn’t
continue to run on background. The same behavior happened if one of my
specs fails too.
Is this in a rails app?
I was having the same problem until I discoved that I forgot to setup
the .autotest_images folder referenced in my .autotest file.

Is this fabled .autotest file fully documented somewhere? It keeps
getting referenced in lots of answers and doc, but I haven’t located
complete doc on it. I’m probably not looking in the right place…
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Denis H. [email protected]
Is this fabled .autotest file fully documented somewhere? It keeps getting
referenced in lots of answers and doc, but I haven’t located complete doc on
it. I’m probably not looking in the right place…
I’m not aware of a single definitive source. There is some overall
autotest doc at http://zentest.rubyforge.org/ZenTest/Autotest.html,
but aside from looking at the code I don’t know of a source that talks
about how/when .autotest gets loaded.
Anybody else know of such?