Rspec post controller failure


I’m going crazy with a test of a controller action.

This is the test

describe “POST changetipo” do
it “toggle tipo of tije” do
tije = FactoryGirl.create(:tije)
puts “--------------- #{tije.inspect}--------------”
post :changetipo, :id =>
puts “+++++++++++++++ #{tije.inspect} +++++++++++++”
tije.tipo.should == “2”

and this is the controller method

def changetipo
@tije = Tije.find(params[:id])
@tije.tipo == “1” ? @tije.tipo = “2” : @tije.tipo = “1”!
puts “************* #{@tije.inspect} **************”

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to root_path, notice: 'Tije type 

changed’ }
format.json { head :no_content }


and this is the console output:

---------- #<Tije id: 1, tipo: “1”, description: “Hoy” --------------
********** #<Tije id: 1, tipo: “2”, description: “Hoy” **************
++++++++++ #<Tije id: 1, tipo: “1”, description: “Hoy” +++++++++++++

so, at the beginning tipo is 1. After! is 2, but when it come
back to the test, its value is 1 again :frowning:

All the other test are working. I only have a problem with this one.

I don’t know why this test is failing. If I use web browser to test it
it’s working. It changes the value in database.

I also have try to change test like this:

describe “POST changetipo” do
it “toggle tipo of tije” do
tije = FactoryGirl.create(:tije)
expect {
post :changetipo, :id => tije.to_param
}.to change(tije.tipo)

but I have this error

Failure/Error: tije.tipo.should == “2”
expected: “2”
got: “1” (using ==)

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Thank you very much


On 29 November 2012 11:30, Raul S. [email protected] wrote:

  post :changetipo, :id =>
    @tije = Tije.find(params[:id])

to the test, its value is 1 again :frowning:
In the test you are creating a variable and then posting a message
(passing the id) which changes the value in the database. That does
not change the value of the variable in the test. You will have to
read it back from the db again to see the changed value.


Ahhhh :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Which will be the right way to do it?
El 29/11/2012 12:42, “Colin L.” [email protected] escribi:

On 29 November 2012 11:58, Raul S. [email protected] wrote:

Ahhhh :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Which will be the right way to do it?

Just fetch it from the db again before tesating it


Done and green :slight_smile:

Thank you again

2012/11/29 Colin L. [email protected]