I newly downloaded rspec, rspec_on_rails and ran the command
ruby script/generate rspec
from the instructions
I then created the directories in spec:
controllers, fixtures, helpers, models, views
I then created the file spec/models/user_spec.rb as a spec for my model
(Is the convention to name the model’s spec user.rb ?? ) The docs
give both examples on different pages of the wiki.
Anyhow, my problem:
I run rake spec
and get
`gem_original_require’: no such file to load – spec/rails
The file /spec/spec_helper.rb contains the line
require ‘spec/rails’
Using the response to a similar q/a I found on the net, I also tried
ruby script/spec spec
Same result.
Pointers would be most appreciated.
ps. I URGE the powers-that-be to update the installation instructions.
This type of problem dramatically slows down adoption of an otherwise
great projec