Rspec and capistrano

has anyone here written a capistrano task for rspec to run through my
specs on the deployed server? I’d appreciate a snippet or two to get
me started.

On 10/26/07, Jonathan L. [email protected] wrote:

Should be as easy as checking out the code, cd’ing to the dir and
running “rake spec RAILS_ENV=testing”

Also you might want to look into cruisecontrol.rb which is a nice
continuous integration server. It runs your full suite whenever you
commit code.


On Oct 26, 2007, at 11:50 AM, Pat M. wrote:

Should be as easy as checking out the code, cd’ing to the dir and
running “rake spec RAILS_ENV=testing”

Also you might want to look into cruisecontrol.rb which is a nice
continuous integration server. It runs your full suite whenever you
commit code.


I’d be interested if anyone has a snippet to automatically deploy to
a staging server if the specs pass…
