Routing Translated Paths

Happy new 2013 ! we’re still on our nice blue planet !!

I am using translated path in my project, working fine

scope ‘/:locale’ do

scope(:path_names => { :new => I18n.t(:new, :scope => :paths),
=> I18n.t(:edit, :scope => :paths) }) do
resources :contacts, :only => [:new, :create], :path =>
I18n.t(:contacts, :scope => :paths)
resources :portfolios, :only => [:show], :path =>
I18n.t(:portfolios, :scope => :paths)
resources :craftworks, :only => [:index, :show], :path =>
I18n.t(:craftworks, :scope => :paths)
resources :posts, :only => [:index, :show], :path =>
:scope => :paths)

starting the app with the default locale being :fr, I get all the routes
translated … BUT
when a user switch the locale to :en, then the resources paths are
translated to english… but not the path_names :
:new and edit are still in french … what could be wrong ?

thanks for feedback

[SOLVED] found the gem rails-translate-routes … so easy !

Le samedi 5 janvier 2013 20:07:30 UTC+1, Erwin a crit :