Routing requirements broken in Rails 1.1.4?


I have the following routes

map.connect ‘:controller/:id/:action’, :id=>/4/, :defaults=>{
map.connect ‘:controller/:action’, :defaults=>{:action=>‘index’}

and when I point my browser to “localhost:3000/departments” I see an
error because the show action cannot find a department with id=0. Why
is the first route the one that is being used. I should be the second
and I should see the index action’s results.

Really what I want is :id=>/^\d+.*/ but I can’t even get the above
example working.

Any ideas?


Anyone? I’m totally stumped on this one.



I created a fresh rails app with 1.1.4 to try and solve my problem

$ rails temp
$ cd temp
$ script/generate controller front index show

I edited the routes.rb file to have only two routes

map.connect ‘:controller/:id/:action’, :id=>/4/, :defaults=>{
map.connect ‘:controller/:action’, :defaults=>{:action=>‘index’}

When I type http://localhost:3000/front into my browser I see the show
template. I thought I should see the index template.

Is this expected behavior?



I edited the routes.rb file to have only two routes

map.connect ‘:controller/:id/:action’, :id=>/4/, :defaults=>{ :action=>‘show’}
map.connect ‘:controller/:action’, :defaults=>{:action=>‘index’}

When I type http://localhost:3000/front into my browser I see the show
template. I thought I should see the index template.

Is this expected behavior?

Yes. :name => /regexp/ or :requirements => { :name => /regexp/ } work
only on parameters provided in URL, so if you call
http://localhost:3000/front first rule in you routes matches,
assuming :id => nil and :action => show. The :id=>/4/ part is not used.
Try http://localhost:3000/front/5/ and you will get error - because
now :id is present in URL and it does not match /4/.

Maybe you want something like this:

map.connect ‘:controller/:action’, :action => /\D+/
map.connect ‘:controller/:id/:action’, :defaults =>{:action =>
‘show’}, :id => /\d+/

:defaults => { :action => ‘index’ } is not necessary, because it is
default by default :slight_smile:


Hi Rimantas!

On 7/16/06, Rimantas L. [email protected] wrote:

Yes. :name => /regexp/ or :requirements => { :name => /regexp/ } work
only on parameters provided in URL, so if you call
http://localhost:3000/front first rule in you routes matches,
assuming :id => nil and :action => show. The :id=>/4/ part is not used.

That is absolutely bizarre behavior to me. I made a point of saying
that id must match ‘4’ but if I don’t include a 4 in the URL then it
works ok as nil. Imagine that policy for a username/password form. The
password must be “abracadabra” but nil is ok too.

Anyway, thanks for the information. This has been driving me nuts.
