Routing Error

I have a problem with my routing. When a user performs an illegal
checkout action (end time < start time) it should route back to to the
‘checkout’ action. However, it is instead going to the ‘edit’ action.

‘rake routes’

users GET /users(.:format) {:controller=>“users”,
POST /users(.:format)
{:controller=>“users”, :action=>“create”}
new_user GET /users/new(.:format)
{:controller=>“users”, :action=>“new”}
edit_user GET /users/:id/edit(.:format)
{:controller=>“users”, :action=>“edit”}
user GET /users/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“users”, :action=>“show”}
PUT /users/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“users”, :action=>“update”}
DELETE /users/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“users”, :action=>“destroy”}
new_session GET /session/new(.:format)
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“new”}
edit_session GET /session/edit(.:format)
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“edit”}
session GET /session(.:format)
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“show”}
PUT /session(.:format)
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“update”}
DELETE /session(.:format)
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“destroy”}
POST /session(.:format)
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“create”}
labs GET /labs(.:format)
{:controller=>“labs”, :action=>“index”}
POST /labs(.:format)
{:controller=>“labs”, :action=>“create”}
new_lab GET /labs/new(.:format)
{:controller=>“labs”, :action=>“new”}
edit_lab GET /labs/:id/edit(.:format)
{:controller=>“labs”, :action=>“edit”}
lab GET /labs/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“labs”, :action=>“show”}
PUT /labs/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“labs”, :action=>“update”}
DELETE /labs/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“labs”, :action=>“destroy”}
lab_categories GET /lab_categories(.:format)
{:controller=>“lab_categories”, :action=>“index”}
POST /lab_categories(.:format)
{:controller=>“lab_categories”, :action=>“create”}
new_lab_category GET /lab_categories/new(.:format)
{:controller=>“lab_categories”, :action=>“new”}
edit_lab_category GET /lab_categories/:id/edit(.:format)
{:controller=>“lab_categories”, :action=>“edit”}
lab_category GET /lab_categories/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“lab_categories”, :action=>“show”}
PUT /lab_categories/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“lab_categories”, :action=>“update”}
DELETE /lab_categories/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“lab_categories”, :action=>“destroy”}
checkout_index GET /checkout(.:format)
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“index”}
POST /checkout(.:format)
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“create”}
new_checkout GET /checkout/new(.:format)
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“new”}
edit_checkout GET /checkout/:id/edit(.:format)
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“edit”}
GET /checkout/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“show”}
PUT /checkout/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“update”}
DELETE /checkout/:id(.:format)
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“destroy”}
login /
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“new”}
signup /signup
{:controller=>“users”, :action=>“new”}
myaccount /myaccount
{:controller=>“myaccount”, :action=>“myaccount”}
logout /logout
{:controller=>“sessions”, :action=>“destroy”}
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“checkout”}
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“update”}
checkout /labs/checkout/:id/edit
{:controller=>“checkout”, :action=>“update”}
root /
{:controller=>“home”, :action=>“index”}

map.checkout ‘/labs/checkout/:id’, :controller => ‘checkout’, :action
=> ‘checkout’
map.checkout ‘/labs/checkout/:id/update’, :controller => ‘checkout’,
:action => ‘update’
map.checkout ‘/labs/checkout/:id/edit’, :controller => ‘checkout’,
:action => ‘update’
map.root :controller => “home”

default routes

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’
map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id.:format’

CheckoutController update action:

def update
@lab = Lab.find(params[:id])

            respond_to do |format|
                    if @lab.update_attributes(params[:lab])
                            flash[:notice] = 'Lab was successfully

format.html { redirect_to(@lab) }
format.xml { head :ok }
format.html { render :action =>
“checkout” }
format.xml { render :xml =>
@lab.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }

LabController update

def update
@lab = Lab.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
  if @lab.update_attributes(params[:lab])
    flash[:notice] = 'Lab was successfully updated.'
    format.html { redirect_to(@lab) }
    format.xml  { head :ok }
    format.html { render :action => "edit" }
    #format.html { redirect_to :back }
    format.xml  { render :xml => @lab.errors, :status =>

:unprocessable_entity }

Let me know if there is something I forgot to include.


I think the issue is that you have a general route to the checkout
controller and then you have a map.checkout route that is after the
map.resources :checkout route. so when you use checkout_path you will
get the edit task and not the checkout “route” that you have setup…

Try changing map.checkout to map.checkout-something-else and see if
that fixes the issue…

On Jun 17, 2:42 pm, Tyler K. [email protected]

heimdull wrote:

I think the issue is that you have a general route to the checkout
controller and then you have a map.checkout route that is after the
map.resources :checkout route. so when you use checkout_path you will
get the edit task and not the checkout “route” that you have setup…

Try changing map.checkout to map.checkout-something-else and see if
that fixes the issue…

On Jun 17, 2:42�pm, Tyler K. [email protected]

I think the problem lies here:

def update
@lab = Lab.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
  if @lab.update_attributes(params[:lab])
    flash[:notice] = 'Lab was successfully updated.'
    format.html { redirect_to(@lab) }
    format.xml  { head :ok }
    format.html { render :action => "edit" }

If an unsuccessful update occurs the edit action is called, I changed
this to another action and that action was called. However, what I
can’t figure out is why this action is called from the Labs Controller,
not from the Checkout Controller, where the checkout is called. I have
an update action in the Checkout Controller…

Tyler K. wrote:

heimdull wrote:

I think the issue is that you have a general route to the checkout
controller and then you have a map.checkout route that is after the
map.resources :checkout route. so when you use checkout_path you will
get the edit task and not the checkout “route” that you have setup…

Try changing map.checkout to map.checkout-something-else and see if
that fixes the issue…

On Jun 17, 2:42�pm, Tyler K. [email protected]

You were on the right track. What I had not realized was that
map.resources :controller generates the routes that I was seeing. I
moved my map.checkout action to the top of the list and it now properly
calls the checkout controller’s update function!

I was mistaken, I had changed how the Labs update action behaved. I’m
still having the same problem and I’ve changed all the routes around.

heimdull wrote:

I think the issue is that you have a general route to the checkout
controller and then you have a map.checkout route that is after the
map.resources :checkout route. so when you use checkout_path you will
get the edit task and not the checkout “route” that you have setup…

Try changing map.checkout to map.checkout-something-else and see if
that fixes the issue…

On Jun 17, 2:42�pm, Tyler K. [email protected]

You were on the right track. What I had not realized was that
map.resources :controller generates the routes that I was seeing. I
moved my map.checkout action to the top of the list and it now properly
calls the checkout controller’s update function!