RoR view question: pre-selecting radio box

Hello all, I’m fairly new to rails. I have a view question that
involves, I presume, javascript.
I have two images, one is a LIKE and one is a DISLIKE image.
I want to have one selected by default, the value of which gets saved
to the DB when the user hits the POST button.
Along with selecting a LIKE or DISLIKE (basically selecting true or
false in radio buttons), the user will type a comment in.
So overall we have

  1. comment: textfield
  2. like or dislike: boolean or tinyint in the DB: 0 or 1
    Selecting either the LIKE or DISLIKE button will not affect the
    textfield which remains there for the user’s comment.

I have the radio buttons, the images, and the comment field set up.
I’m not sure how to pre-select one of the images and wire it to
transmit a value.

Any advice in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

aj <airjaw@…> writes:

I have the radio buttons, the images, and the comment field set up.
I’m not sure how to pre-select one of the images and wire it to
transmit a value.

Old(ish), but relevant.


aj wrote in post #1009746:

I have the radio buttons, the images, and the comment field set up.
I’m not sure how to pre-select one of the images and wire it to
transmit a value.

Any advice in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Option 1:

Pass :checked => true in the options hash.

Option 2 (by example):

xxx.create_people.rb (migration)

class CreatePeople < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :people do |t|
t.string :first_name
t.string :last_name
t.boolean :super_human, :null => false, :default => false



def self.down
drop_table :people


<%= f.label :super_human %>
<%= f.radio_button(:super_human, "true") %> <%= f.label :super_human_yes, "Yes" %> <%= f.radio_button(:super_human, "false") %> <%= f.label :super_human_no, "No" %>

Rendered HTML:

Super human
Yes No
  1. The migration ensures the boolean value in the database is never null
    and defaults to false.
  2. The radio buttons on the form partial represent the value from the
    database column so radio button will be checked by default.