RoR on mac OS tiger 10.4.6 latest n greatest?

hi, ive had some trouble trying to install RoR on tiger. during my
google search i came across many different installs… some using apache,
lighttpd, or webricks for the web server,some are using sqlite, or
mysql…now ive tried all and it came to a point where im sure i had
multiple libraries etc…installed and everything was not working right
compared to my ubuntu install of Ror. so do you guys think that the
installation of RoR using

is the best out there?


i found james duncan davidson’s article “Sandboxing Rails with Darwin

to be excellent and left me with a development environment that i could
easily upgrade…

hi thanks for your response. my next question, what do you use for
examining your database? any gui tools you recomend for mysql5?

also, i used webbrick on ubuntu…how do you go about starting and
stopping lightpd? and must you run the mysql5 server everytime you use
ror or does it automatically come up?

unknown wrote:

i found james duncan davidson’s article “Sandboxing Rails with Darwin

to be excellent and left me with a development environment that i could
easily upgrade…

for poking and proding at mysql, i would recommend you have a look at
CocoaMySQL[1] and YourSQL[2]. undoubtedly you could search macupdate and
find numerous other tools, but these are the ones that i have taken to.

you should be able to use webbrick on os x just as you had on ubuntu but
you’d like to use lighttpd you can easily install it via darwinports.
is a launchd item for it floating around as well. mongrel is an option

if you install mysql5 from darwinports, it has a server variant which
create a launchd item for it, otherwise you will have to launch and quit
mysql by hand – you should only need to do this once per boot.


[1] cocoamysql - be sure to grab the most recent beta 0.7b3, it has been
while (years?) since their last official release and the beta adds quite
bit of functionality.

[2] yoursql -

hi everyone, thanks for everyone with the reply. i will follow since after browsing
on google, it seems that the hivelogic tutorial is gicing some problems
to users. so i guess as of now, this one from duncan may be the latest
and greatest for RoR on tiger?

thank all!

Jón Borgþórsson wrote:

I personally like YourSQL ( but many others
like CocoaSQL.
I simply use webrick for development on my mac. Don’t see why you
should change that.

MySQL does not start automatically with RoR since it is not really
related to RoR. However it’s just started at bootup and you should not
need to start it manually or shut it down for any reason.

On 6/5/06, bbqtree [email protected] wrote:

i found james duncan davidson’s article "Sandboxing Rails with Darwin
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

On Jun 7, 2006, at 10:59 PM, bbqtree wrote:

hi everyone, thanks for everyone with the reply. i will follow since after
on google, it seems that the hivelogic tutorial is gicing some
to users. so i guess as of now, this one from duncan may be the latest
and greatest for RoR on tiger?

Well, I’m not sure what you’ve been seeing in your Google searches,
but I’ve used the Hivelogic tutorial to install Ruby, Rails and MySQL
on well over a dozen Macs, from 10.3.9 all the way up to 10.4.6. I’ve
yet to have any serious problems using the Hivelogic method. The
worst I’ve seen are one or two of the expected errors that he
mentions on the page, and I think that only happened once.

I’m not trying to knock the other procedures, I’m sure the
DarwinPorts package management system is great for all of those that
use it (I’m not a DP user), but I like knowing that I’ve downloaded
the latest source, for each of my Ruby/Rails stack, and built them
myself. Obviously, that’s not for every Mac OS X user, so everyone
should go with the method that they are most comfortable with. But if
you have any Unix build experience, or you’re really handy with the
command-line, I really don’t think you can do better than the
Hivelogic method…


I personally like YourSQL ( but many others
like CocoaSQL.
I simply use webrick for development on my mac. Don’t see why you
should change that.

MySQL does not start automatically with RoR since it is not really
related to RoR. However it’s just started at bootup and you should not
need to start it manually or shut it down for any reason.

On 6/5/06, bbqtree [email protected] wrote:

i found james duncan davidson’s article "Sandboxing Rails with Darwin
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

hi brian, thanks for the reply. i guess my main concern, since i am new
to all this, if something was to go wrong during the installation for
me, how can i uninstall or undo the instalations of lightpd, mysql,
etc… when using darwin ports, you can do port uninstall ‘name’ and
will delete all the libraries etc…does tiger have something similiar?
when i had RoR up and running on ubuntu, i just call apt-get
install/uninstall ‘name of program’…thanks.

Brian H. wrote:

On Jun 7, 2006, at 10:59 PM, bbqtree wrote:

hi everyone, thanks for everyone with the reply. i will follow since after
on google, it seems that the hivelogic tutorial is gicing some
to users. so i guess as of now, this one from duncan may be the latest
and greatest for RoR on tiger?

Well, I’m not sure what you’ve been seeing in your Google searches,
but I’ve used the Hivelogic tutorial to install Ruby, Rails and MySQL
on well over a dozen Macs, from 10.3.9 all the way up to 10.4.6. I’ve
yet to have any serious problems using the Hivelogic method. The
worst I’ve seen are one or two of the expected errors that he
mentions on the page, and I think that only happened once.

I’m not trying to knock the other procedures, I’m sure the
DarwinPorts package management system is great for all of those that
use it (I’m not a DP user), but I like knowing that I’ve downloaded
the latest source, for each of my Ruby/Rails stack, and built them
myself. Obviously, that’s not for every Mac OS X user, so everyone
should go with the method that they are most comfortable with. But if
you have any Unix build experience, or you’re really handy with the
command-line, I really don’t think you can do better than the
Hivelogic method…


On Jun 8, 2006, at 09:40 PM, bbqtree wrote:

hi brian, thanks for the reply. i guess my main concern, since i am
to all this, if something was to go wrong during the installation for
me, how can i uninstall or undo the instalations of lightpd, mysql,

To be honest, I don’t know what problems you would have that would
cause you to feel you need to rip out the installed software. As for
undoing an installation, for standard Unix builds all the “problems”
that you run into happen during the configure and make stages. Only
after the particular piece of software has been successfully built,
do you then run the make install command which moves the newly built
binary files to their correct locations. If you had problems along
the way, they would happen long before you actually install the built
piece of software.

when using darwin ports, you can do port uninstall ‘name’ and
will delete all the libraries etc…does tiger have something
when i had RoR up and running on ubuntu, i just call apt-get
install/uninstall ‘name of program’…thanks.

What you are referring to there are “package manager” systems, like
the RPM system that’s part of RedHat Linux. Those package managers
are great for downloading and installing pre-built binaries. In those
processes, you could run into an installation problem that you would
need a way to back out of, which is why all the package manager
systems I’ve seen come with some kind of uninstall. When it comes to
building the software packages from their raw source code, things
just tend to work differently. At least, that’s always been my
experience, but I don’t make any claims at being a system
administrator. I’ve been known to fake it, somewhat convincingly, in
the past, but I’m a Webmaster and web app developer, so my view of
system administration tasks is obviously colored by my limited range
of expertise.

And, of course, as I said in my last message, if the package managers
work for you, that’s great. They clearly work for many people out
there and are often times the only way to go if you need to install
software that your current system doesn’t have the necessary pieces
to build from scratch.


On Jun 8, 2006, at 10:45 PM, [email protected] wrote:

On 6/8/06, Brian H. [email protected] wrote:
To be honest, I don’t know what problems you would have that would
cause you to feel you need to rip out the installed software.

man, some good fortune you must have - mind sharing your world cup
picks? =)

Sure, as soon as I win the Powerball! :slight_smile:

I’m far from being touched by God, or anything. But I’ll certainly
stand by building from source over using a package manager. Doesn’t
mean that’s what you should do. Obviously, if you’ve had experiences
where needing to rip installed software out was necessary, then
having installed that software through a package manager would
certainly make that task easier. Just because I haven’t had to do
that doesn’t mean that I’ve never had install or compatibility
problems with built-from-source software. If that’s the impression
that I gave, then I apologize for my unintended exuberance…


On 6/8/06, Brian H. [email protected] wrote:

To be honest, I don’t know what problems you would have that would
cause you to feel you need to rip out the installed software.

man, some good fortune you must have - mind sharing your world cup
picks? =)

On Jun 8, 2006, at 6:40 PM, bbqtree wrote:

hi brian, thanks for the reply. i guess my main concern, since i am
to all this, if something was to go wrong during the installation for
me, how can i uninstall or undo the instalations of lightpd, mysql,
etc… when using darwin ports, you can do port uninstall ‘name’ and
will delete all the libraries etc…does tiger have something
when i had RoR up and running on ubuntu, i just call apt-get
install/uninstall ‘name of program’…thanks.

I just posted instructions a few weeks ago for installing Darwin
Ports, Ruby, Rails, gems, PostgreSQL, etc…

This is the same approach that almost everybody at PLANET ARGON
follows for getting their development setup.


Robby R.
Founder & Executive Director

Ruby on Rails Development, Consulting & Hosting

+1 503 445 2457
+1 877 55 ARGON [toll free]
+1 815 642 4968 [fax]

i was just giving you a rough time of it =)

i use darwinports because i am lazy. i am always looking to save time
and i
enjoy having something other than my memory manage
building/installing/updating/removing the glut of common third party
projects on my machines. it can really expedite setting up a new machine
keeping others in sync. it makes me really happy to know that i can
remove an installed port without hunting about, wondering where some
spewed items (info files, man pages, headers, libraries) all over my

certainly darwinports has its share of oddities, 'isms, broken ports and
sometimes lags the bruised and bloody edge (the vim 7 port still isn’t
pushed to the public yet) but if it gets me 70% of the way, then that is
work that i do not have to do.

perhaps interesting is that darwinports installs from locally built
and not from precompiled binaries - that may have been abandon.


+1 for Hivelogic. I’ve used it several times now on several macs and
never had a problem. As regards ‘cleanup’ it has the advantage of
putting everything into /usr/local which, going out on a limb here, is
likely to be empty for you if you’re newbie enough to need the hivelogic
tutorial (I very much count myself in that camp). That means you can
just blow away /usr/local and you’re back to square one.

The one thing the Hivelogic tutorial is missing is installing the ruby
docs for use with ri (sudo make install-doc after sudo make install). I
mailed Dan about it and he says it’ll be in the next update.


hi everyone. i will give the installation a shot later tonight or first
thing tommorow morning and let you guys know how it goes! i hope all
goes well!

I’m jumping in a little late I think, but this is the simplest method to
use for installing on mac osx:
I have used this script on both ppc and my macbook pro with NO

I personally use Navicat for mac for mysql administration, but it’s not
free. I think I paid around 90 bucks for it but it works flawlessly.

hi, i have encountered i think my first problem when installing the
mysql pref pane? i get this msg when trying to start mysql pane…

You cannot open MySQL preferences pane on this computer. Contact the
developer of this software for a newer version.


any help would be greatly appreciated… thanks

Sounds like pref panes cannot be handled via Rosetta.

It’s a guess, but I’m pretty confident in it.

I seriously doubt you actually need the pref pane.

– Tom M.

the purpose of prefpane is just starting and stopping the mysql server

Tom M. wrote:

Sounds like pref panes cannot be handled via Rosetta.

It’s a guess, but I’m pretty confident in it.

I seriously doubt you actually need the pref pane.

– Tom M.

a bit more information might be helpful -

  • hardware config
  • OS version
  • mysql version (and architecture)

what does the console say after you attempt to load the preference pane?