I am an engg student looking for project related to ruby and MogileFS…
Can anybody suggest me about - use of ruby and MogileFS in application
developement regarding -
1.is it efficient enough?
2.any alternate solution available for this?
3.any improvements that are required in MogileFS ?
4.and should i go for it?
thank you…
- MogileFS is used by many people working on rails. It’s very good
and easy to work with.
- Cant’s say yet.
- What are you planning to do with it ?
For the kind of usage for MogileFS, check
On 7/17/06, Nilesh K mahajan [email protected] wrote:
thank you…
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rm -rf / 2>/dev/null - http://null.in
“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.” - JFK
actually i am thinking of making an application in ruby …and .make use
of mogileFS…i read that MogileFS uses HTTP…i am thinking if i can
make use of some other faster FTP protocol for MogileFS and develop
application using it…
i just need some help regarding that…
FTP may be faster for the transfer part. But FTP is a far more limited
protocol so I don’t think you will gain much by doing that hazzle.
Remember that this is LAN transfer going on here and you don’t
actually need all the extra things FTP gives you in data transfer.
MogileFS has proven to be quite effective like it is. Odeo.com uses it
and are quite satisfied.
On 7/17/06, Nilesh K mahajan [email protected] wrote:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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