RoR 2.X Application

Hello friends,

I have installed 3.x version of Rails on my system. And I want to run
2.x Application ie OpenStreetView. I have used Bundler for that but it
doesn’t work and gives error : Could not find config/boot (LOADError).

If anyone knows this error and help me to solve this error. Its very
important, So please help me to remove this error.

And If anyone knows another methods to run multiple Rails version
applications then tell me.


Mandeep K.

if you are using window operating system then you should use pik gem for
run both rails 2 and rails 3 your system…

Vishal Singh
Ruby On Rails Developer

Hi Mandeep,

Install RVM (Ruby version manager )

By using RVM you can use multiple rails versions and ruby versions.

Check this out.

Sai Kiran Mothe

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:20 AM, vishal singh
[email protected] wrote:

if you are using window operating system then you should use pik gem for run
both rails 2 and rails 3 your system…

I am using LINUX OS. So how to use that in LINUX ?

Mandeep K.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:20 AM, saikiran mothe
[email protected] wrote:

I have installed Ruby using rvm but dont know how to install Rails
with rvm. Can you help me for that ?

Mandeep K.

bundle exec ruby script/server (run this command )

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 11:34 AM, vishal singh
[email protected] wrote:

gem install rails -v3.1 or -v2.0

Its done but still giving following error :

ms@ms-HP:~/OpenStreetView$ bundle exec script/server
script/server:2:in require': cannot load such file -- script/../config/boot (LoadError) from script/server:2:in

Mandeep K.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:52 PM, vishal singh
[email protected] wrote:

bundle exec ruby script/server (run this command )

It gives same error.

Mandeep K.

please check this tutorial for install rails

gem install rails -v3.1 or -v2.0