Rmagick install problem


i got the following message when i try to install rmagick :

/usr/bin/ruby -I /home/user/appli/tmp/RMagick-1.14.1/./lib -I
/home/user/appli/tmp/RMagick-1.14.1/./ext/RMagick OrigCoordSys.rb
libMagick-10.4.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
directory - /home/user/appli/tmp/RMagick-1.14.1/./ext/RMagick/RMagick.so

my imageMagick lib are in /usr/local/lib and i specify that in my
LD_LIBRARY_PATH but i still have an error…

any idea to help me ?


Frioffol F. wrote:

my imageMagick lib are in /usr/local/lib and i specify that in my
LD_LIBRARY_PATH but i still have an error…

any idea to help me ?

Ruby is telling you that a required library file is not present
(libMagick-10.4.0.so.0). Remedy: check to see that the library file is
present on your system and in your library search path. If it is not
present and/or accessible, get it, put it in place and try again.

Paul L. wrote:

libMagick-10.4.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
(libMagick-10.4.0.so.0). Remedy: check to see that the library file is
present on your system and in your library search path. If it is not
present and/or accessible, get it, put it in place and try again.

For future questioners who find this thread via a search engine, this
particular issue is addressed here: