RMagick Image Optimize

I’m new to RMagick and am looking for how you can set the optimization
on a jpeg image. Can someone point me in the right direction?


If by “optimization” you mean compression, see here:

If you mean color reduction, see here:

Thanks! The compession is definitely what I am looking for. I’m
trying to use it dynamically when the image is rendered to a Rails web
page. Currently, I am using the follwoing to render the image:

send_data myimage.to_blob, :disposition => ‘inline’, :type =>

I tried using myimage.quality = 50, but it looks like that can only be
done on a write. Is there a way for me to set the quality when
rendering the image? Sorry if this is newbie stuff!


TomRossi7 wrote:


quality works as an option to the to_blob method, too. To change the
compression level you have to specify quality as a optional argument to
the to_blob or write method. I don’t know how you’d do that in a Rails
context. Perhaps a Rails expert will know.