newbie for Rmagick…
is there any methods to crop or clipp original image with 4 corners
coordinates (xi, yi) i=1…4. Have seen it is possible to use
ImageList::crop(x,y,heigth, wigth) to get a rectangle sub-image.
thanks in advances!
newbie for Rmagick…
is there any methods to crop or clipp original image with 4 corners
coordinates (xi, yi) i=1…4. Have seen it is possible to use
ImageList::crop(x,y,heigth, wigth) to get a rectangle sub-image.
thanks in advances!
2008/9/17 [email protected]:
newbie for Rmagick…
is there any methods to crop or clipp original image with 4 corners
coordinates (xi, yi) i=1…4. Have seen it is possible to use
ImageList::crop(x,y,heigth, wigth) to get a rectangle sub-image.
If you want something general, look at the methods define_clip_path
and clip_path of the class Draw. Take a special look to the example of
the clip_path method (just click on the image to see the code) in the
RMagick doc.
thanks in advances!
I hope it to help you.
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