Rmagick causes webrick/mongrel to refuse to boot

If I add the line require ‘RMagick’ to my environment.rb, my app refuses
start. I installed imagemagick from source and gem installed rmagick.
Everything went smoothly but something isn’t configured properly. any
ideas? I"ve been stumped for a week.

I’m on edge rails with fedora core 4

ooooh have you tried require ‘rmagick’

lowercase? this bit us once, lemme know if that fixes anything.

On 9/18/06, Charlie B. [email protected] wrote:

If I add the line require ‘RMagick’ to my environment.rb, my app refuses to
start. I installed imagemagick from source and gem installed rmagick.
Everything went smoothly but something isn’t configured properly. any
ideas? I"ve been stumped for a week.

I’m on edge rails with fedora core 4

Charles Brian Q.
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