**** RubyGem users on Linux, *BSD, OS X please read the note at the
end. ****
I’ve just uploaded RMagick 1.11.0 to RubyForge. This release contains an
important bug fix and some nice new features. Here’s the changes:
o Robert Manni’s Image#resize_to_fit resizes an image to fit within
the specified rectangle while retaining the aspect ratio.
o The new ImageList#optimize_layers method (available with ImageMagick
6.2.6) adds several new GIF animation optimization methods.
o The new Magick.limit_resource method lets you specify an upper
bound on
the amount of certain resources (disk space, files, memory) used by
o I replaced install.rb with the latest version of setup.rb and
the gem installation process (bug report from Ryan D.).
o You can specify ./configure --disable-htmldoc to suppress creating
the HTML documentation and executing all the example programs. This
option is also available to RubyGem users by specifying the --no-
option on the “gem install” command.
o The new Image#contrast_stretch_channel method is available with
ImageMagick 6.2.6.
o I fixed a possible memory leak that could occur when RMagick
raised an
ImageMagickError exception and the program rescued it and
RMagick is available as always on RubyForge: http://rubyforge.org/
RMagick is an interface to the ImageMagick (www.imagemagick.org) and
GraphicsMagick (www.graphicsmagick.org) image processing libraries. It
supports more than 90 image formats, including GIF, JPEG, PNG. It
RVG, a 2D drawing API. RMagick has comprehensive HTML documentation
and comes
with over 175 complete, working example programs.
*** RubyGem users on Linux, *BSD, OS X please read this. ****
The RMagick 1.11.0 gem is for Linux, *BSD, OS X, Solaris, and other
systems only. Kaspar is working on a new Win32 gem for RMagick and
either he
or I will announce it when it’s available. If you’re using RMagick on MS
Windows you don’t need to read any farther. Also, if you plan on
RMagick with the standard ./configure && make && make install, this
apply to you, either.
The new RubyGem install process in 1.11.0 fixes a mistake in previous
that caused RMagick to be installed in the “wrong” (to RubyGems)
To take advantage of this fix you should completely uninstall any
release of RMagick installed using RubyGems before installing RMagick
You can uninstall RMagick by deleting all the files yourself, or you
can use
the script below. If you want to do it yourself, here’s what you need
to do.
(I’m assuming you’ve got a standard Ruby 1.8.x installation.)
Log on to an account that has the permissions necessary to delete
files from the Ruby library directories. -
Determine the Ruby “prefix” directory, for example, “/usr/local”. If
you don’t know what the prefix directory is, run this command:ruby -rrbconfig -e"puts Config::CONFIG['prefix']"
We’ll call the prefix directory $PREFIX.
Determine the Ruby “sitearch” directory, for example “powerpc-
If you don’t know what the sitearch directory is, run this command:ruby -rrbconfig -e"puts Config::CONFIG['sitearch']"
We’ll call the sitearch directory $ARCH.
Run this command:
gem uninstall rmagick --all
Run these commands:
rm $PREFIX/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/RMagick.rb
rm -rf $PREFIX/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rvg
rm $PREFIX/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/$ARCH/RMagick.so
(use RMagick.bundle instead of RMagick.so on OS X)rm -rf $PREFIX/share/RMagick
That’s it. You’re done.
Or instead of doing that you can use this script. Run it from an
account that
has the appropriate permissions.
Completely uninstall all versions of RMagick
require ‘rbconfig’
require ‘fileutils’
include FileUtils::Verbose
sitelibdir = Config::CONFIG[‘sitelibdir’]
sitearchdir = Config::CONFIG[‘sitearchdir’]
datadir = Config::CONFIG[‘datadir’]
dlext = Config::CONFIG[‘DLEXT’]
bindir = Config::CONFIG[‘bindir’]
uninstall = “#{File.join(bindir, ‘ruby’)} #{File.join(bindir, ‘gem’)}” +
" uninstall rmagick --all"
puts uninstall
puts %x[#{uninstall}]
Delete the Ruby files
rm File.join(sitelibdir, “RMagick.rb”) rescue nil
rm_rf File.join(sitelibdir, “rvg”) rescue nil
Delete the RMagick binary
rm File.join(sitearchdir, “RMagick.” + dlext) rescue nil
Delete the HTML documentation
rm_rf File.join(datadir, “RMagick”) rescue nil