I’ve seen a couple of commits lately re: RJS templates. Where can I
find more info on what these are? Google came up empty
Make rjs templates always implicitly skip out on layouts.
I’ve seen a couple of commits lately re: RJS templates. Where can I
find more info on what these are? Google came up empty
Make rjs templates always implicitly skip out on layouts.
On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 01:17:17PM -0500, David Teare wrote:
I’ve seen a couple of commits lately re: RJS templates. Where can I find
more info on what these are? Google came up emptyMake rjs templates always implicitly skip out on layouts.
Hi David,
We’re going to be pushing out a demo video soon. Sit tight. Until then,
the rdoc and source!
Marcel Molina Jr. [email protected]
On 18-nov-2005, at 19:25, Marcel Molina Jr. wrote:
the rdoc and source!
wicked cool
Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov wrote:
wicked cool
Ooo-er. I think my knees just went a bit wobbly.
First of all, wow!
Second, I got a small demo running using Rick’s example .rjs file and
the rdocs, but I have a quick question. The docs say ‘When an .rjs
action is called with +link_to_remote+, the generated JavaScript is
automatically evaluated.’ However, I wasn’t able to get the scripts
to run in the browser without adding :complete =>
‘eval(request.responseText)’ to my link_to_remote call, as Rick does
in his view:
Is this the correct behaviour?
wicked cool
Here’s a live example:
I’ll be moving the app to postgres later today so you can actually see
it in action.
On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 06:22:17PM -0500, Cody F. wrote:
the rdocs, but I have a quick question. The docs say ‘When an .rjs
action is called with +link_to_remote+, the generated JavaScript is
automatically evaluated.’ However, I wasn’t able to get the scripts
to run in the browser without adding :complete =>
‘eval(request.responseText)’ to my link_to_remote call, as Rick does
in his view:
This is true, but you need the latest version of prototype.js. If you
running on edge rails just do
svn up
rake update_javascripts
Marcel Molina Jr. [email protected]
What about RCSS templates?
I have dynamic stylesheets going on at the moment, and have noticed that
Basecamp even has this going on in the background.
Would be cool to see, in addition to the new JS type to the template
Warmest regards,
Nathaniel S. H. Brown Toll Free 1.877.4.INIMIT
Inimit Innovations Phone 604.724.6624
www.inimit.com Fax 604.444.9942
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