RJS Page Object

I am struggling to understand and find resource to learn what parameter,
if that is the right word, can be inside the brackets in the page
statement for visual effect, i.e.

page[“comment_#{@comment.id}”].visual_effect :shake,
:duration => 6.5

From what I have seen through web searches it has to do with partials.
Is that correct? I got an typeerror (is null) trying to do this because
I don’t have a partial:

page["#{@user.name}"].visual_effect :shake :duration => 6.5

Please help me understand this or refer me to a resource that makes it
clear to me. Thanks.

Hi Kevin,

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 2:27 PM, kevin lee [email protected] wrote:

I am struggling to understand and find resource to learn what parameter,
if that is the right word, can be inside the brackets in the page
statement for visual effect, i.e.

The id of a DOM element. And remember that id must be unique. The
W3C validator can be a real timesaver.
