Rjs not working only In IE

HI folks,

I rendered a rjs file in my rails controller action like this…

render :action=>‘station_marker_display’

Where station_marker_display.rjs have the code like this …

page.call “map.closeInfoWindow”
page.call “message_disp”, ‘Location added’
page.call “map.clearOverlays”
page.call “load_station_markers”,29.6880527498568,34.8046875,87,‘ddd’

It works fine for me in firefox but in IE it returns/open a file and ask
to save
that file contains the raw javascript code for the above rjs coding like

try {
message_disp(“Location added”);
load_station_markers(29.6880527498568, 34.8046875, 87, “ddd”);
} catch (e) { alert(‘RJS error:\n\n’ + e.toString());
34.8046875, 87, “ddd”);’); throw e }

simply in firefox it runs the javascript code . but In IE it returns the
javascript code as file .

Can any one help me how to overcome this.