RJS error:TypeError: arrow is null

when i tried to click a button called option uit is showing a pop up
with error “RJS error:TypeError: arrow is null”

when i click ok then it shows what is given below.pls help me

crm.flick(“empty”, “toggle”);

\n <div class=“close” onclick=“new
Ajax.Request(’/accounts/options’, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
method:‘get’, parameters:{ cancel: true }})”
onmouseover=“this.style.background=‘lightsalmon’” title=“Close
form”>x\n <input id=“account_user_id”
name=“account[user_id]” type=“hidden” value=“2” />\n Sort
accounts by <a href="#" id=“sort_by”>date created.\n Show <a
href="#" id=“per_page”>20 accounts per page using <a href="#"
id=“outline”>long format.\n

\n\n\n new
crm.Menu({\n trigger : “sort_by”,\n fade : 0.5,\n
appear : 0.5,\n menu_items: [ { name: “Name”, on_select:
function() {if ($(‘sort_by’).innerHTML != ‘name’) { new
Ajax.Request(’/accounts/redraw’, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
$(‘loading’).show()}, parameters:{ sort_by: ‘name’ }}); }}},{ name:
“Date Created”, on_select: function() {if ($(‘sort_by’).innerHTML !=
‘date created’) { new Ajax.Request(’/accounts/redraw’,
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
onLoading:function(request){$(‘sort_by’).update(‘date created’);
$(‘loading’).show()}, parameters:{ sort_by: ‘created_at’ }}); }}},{
name: “Date Updated”, on_select: function() {if
($(‘sort_by’).innerHTML != ‘date updated’) { new
Ajax.Request(’/accounts/redraw’, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
onLoading:function(request){$(‘sort_by’).update(‘date updated’);
$(‘loading’).show()}, parameters:{ sort_by: ‘updated_at’ }}); }}} ]\n
});\n new crm.Menu({\n trigger : “per_page”,\n fade :
0.5,\n appear : 0.5,\n width : 50,\n menu_items: [ {
name: “10”, on_select: function() { if ($(‘per_page’).innerHTML !=
‘10’) { new Ajax.Request(’/accounts/redraw’, {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){$(‘loading’).hide()},
$(‘loading’).show()}, parameters:{ per_page: ‘10’ }}); } } },{ name:
“20”, on_select: function() { if ($(‘per_page’).innerHTML != ‘20’) {
new Ajax.Request(’/accounts/redraw’, {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){$(‘loading’).hide()},
$(‘loading’).show()}, parameters:{ per_page: ‘20’ }}); } } },{ name:
“30”, on_select: function() { if ($(‘per_page’).innerHTML != ‘30’) {
new Ajax.Request(’/accounts/redraw’, {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){$(‘loading’).hide()},
$(‘loading’).show()}, parameters:{ per_page: ‘30’ }}); } } },{ name:
“50”, on_select: function() { if ($(‘per_page’).innerHTML != ‘50’) {
new Ajax.Request(’/accounts/redraw’, {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){$(‘loading’).hide()},
onLoading:function(request){$(‘per_page’).update(‘50’); $(‘loading’).sh

On Mar 1, 11:31 am, Tony A. [email protected] wrote:

when i tried to click a button called option uit is showing a pop up
with error “RJS error:TypeError: arrow is null”

Hard to tell for sure from this, but I’d guess that the RJS is trying
to manipulate a page element with id arrow but there isn’t anything on
the page with that ID.
