I need to make sure that an application I’ve built with Ruby on Rails
works properly in a Nokia N800. Everything goes well until I hit an
action whose response is RJS where, even if the request gets to the
server, it is correctly processed, and ends with a “Rendering
mycontroller/myaction.rjs”, nothing seems to happen on screen.
I checked Flickr’s website (my favourite site regarding use of Ajax)
with this browser (some type of Opera, as far as I know) and
everything works smoothly, so it’s not that Ajax or DOM manipulation
does not work on this device.
I also checked my application with Safari, Firefox, Opera and IE in my
Desktop, and everything works aswell. This is why I think it must be
some issue with RJS and Opera.
Anybody has experienced something like this? Any suggestions on what
to do?
Thank you!