On 09/01/2011 06:57 PM, Michael E. wrote:
On Sep 1, 2011, at 9:37 PM, Justin C. wrote:
For what I use it for, I don’t care about the exact syntax used when they mean
the same thing, and the fewer node types I need to check for, the better.
I suspect this is actually only true at the margins, which is why parse trees
are valuable and why I argue the corners RubyParser cuts are arbitrary and silly.
Would you prefer that RubyParser turn “@foo = bar” into a call to
Kind of… But “instance_variable_set” might have a different meaning
than “@foo = bar”. Whereas, as far as I know, “a[]” and “a.” will
always be the same.
Or “class A< B; end” into a series of conditions, constant lookups,
assignments, “Class.new(B)”, and so on?
I think this might be going in the other direction (but you may also be
correct). In “a[]” vs. “a.”, RubyParser makes it easier because I
only have to look for a call to “[]”. How the call is represented in the
actual code is not important (to me!). If it were always valid to assume
that the above-mentioned conditions, lookups, etc., would mean the same
as “class A < B; end” then I (in my case!) would not mind if I just got
back something representing “class A < B; end”. In other words, the
reverse of what you are suggesting.
Should “class<< foo; end” turn into “foo.singleton_class.class_eval do… end”?
Michael E.
[email protected]
Will they always mean exactly the same thing? There are very few cases I
can think of where two bits of Ruby code will always be the same
thing, because you can override nearly anything.
Here’s another case:
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :003 > RubyParser.new.parse “!a”
=> s(:not, s(:call, nil, :a, s(:arglist)))
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :004 > RubyParser.new.parse “not a”
=> s(:not, s(:call, nil, :a, s(:arglist)))
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :005 > Ripper.sexp “!a”
=> [:program, [[:unary, :!, [:var_ref, [:@ident, “a”, [1, 1]]]]]]
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :006 > Ripper.sexp “not a”
=> [:program, [[:unary, :not, [:var_ref, [:@ident, “a”, [1, 4]]]]]]
Again, if I want to check for a negative of “a”, then with Ripper I must
look for (at least) two alternatives, but with RubyParser there is just
one. Semantically there is no difference. (There is a difference in the
interpretation because RubyParser doesn’t know about Ruby 1.9, but that
is a different difference. What I mean is there is no difference between
Ripper’s “!” and “not”, because they will do the same thing.)
Probably you can come up with some instances where RubyParser changes
the semantics of the original code it is representing, which would be a
flaw in RubyParser. It may or may not matter for my use case, though.
Whew. I’m only responding because you asked such direct questions As
I’ve said, RubyParser works better for me, while Ripper is a bit more
difficult to manage. Clearly you needed more information about the
program, so Ripper made sense to use. As you have pointed out before,
Ripper has its own issues. There are use cases for either one depending
on what your needs are. If Ripper were available for 1.8, I might have
used it instead.