Rich text editor?

Hi all,

would you recommend something to integrate rich text editor capabilities
in a Rails app?
I am currently looking at integrating Zoho Writer since it’s got so many
features, but I was wondering whether somebody here knows of some gems
or whatever that they would recommend for this kind of requirement.

Thanks a lot in advance

You want an editor for rails or to put an editor in you app for the

You might be interested in tinymce. I can’t say more about it as I never
actually used it in one of my projects.


I just put TinyMCE into a project. I didn’t use a gem, just dropped it
into a Rails 3 project and it worked fine.

Only issue is you need some kind of file browser and as I’m deploying to
heroku I need one based around something like the s3 gem. If anyone has
any recommendations for a starting point I’d appreciate them. I saw some
s3 file browsers, but nothing really grabbed me, so I may just write a
file browser, bundle it up with TinyMCE and release it as a gem.

Best Wishes,

On Apr 11, 2011, at 1:02 PM, Philip H. wrote:

elFinder is a pretty nice file browser that says it will integrate into
tinymce… There is a ruby/rails server adapter for it, but it doesn’t support
S3… but if you decide to do it, that may be a good place to start.
el_finder | | your community gem host
Disclaimer… I wrote the ruby adapter…

Hi Philip,

Thanks - I’ll check it out and let you know how things go if I do
anything with it!

Bets Wishes,

I just put TinyMCE into a project. I didn’t use a gem, just dropped it into a
Rails 3 project and it worked fine.

Only issue is you need some kind of file browser and as I’m deploying to heroku
I need one based around something like the s3 gem. If anyone has any
recommendations for a starting point I’d appreciate them. I saw some s3 file
browsers, but nothing really grabbed me, so I may just write a file browser,
bundle it up with TinyMCE and release it as a gem.

Best Wishes,

Peter -

elFinder is a pretty nice file browser that says it will integrate into
tinymce… There is a ruby/rails server adapter for it, but it doesn’t
support S3… but if you decide to do it, that may be a good place to

Disclaimer… I wrote the ruby adapter…

To the OP, you might check out elrte as well…

TinyMCE is shit!

Oh and if you dare use it, remember to activate the option to not
convert special characters to html entities or your data is doomed.

Use Quantaplus. I have tried around 10 editors. it is the best of

I use Redcar Editor to edit all files (.rb,
xml, text, Rakefile, etc).
It supplies all my basic needs, it’s free-software, and I can write a
to implement new features to it.


Caio Fernando Bertoldi Paes de Andrade

Hi all, thanks for the replies. I see there was a little confusion, by
“to integrate rich text editor capabilities in a Rails app” i meant
giving the users of the Rails app the ability to edit content with a
rich text editor, not an editor to work with Rails :slight_smile:

I have tried TinyMCE and others, but at the moment I am using CKEditor
since it seems to be better than TinyMCE and it integrates well with
Rails. Zoho Editor is really cool so I may eventually use that one, I
don’t know yet because the editor is great (much better than any
TinyMCE, CKEditor and alike), but a local thing like CKEditor is a bit

Oh, I apologize. I misunderstood totally the subject of the thread. I’m

Caio Fernando Bertoldi Paes de Andrade

I really like the YUI javascript libraries in general, and have used
their RTE with success: Yahoo Developer Network

On Apr 14, 2011, at 9:43 AM, Paul wrote:

I really like the YUI javascript libraries in general, and have used
their RTE with success: Yahoo Developer Network

That looks cool, but do they have a version for YUI3? I could only see
one for YUI2.


Try CKeditor. I am using it right now and so far, so good.

On Apr 14, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Paul wrote:

Yes, it is marked “beta”, but their beta stuff is pretty solid.

Only downside seems to be that it says you have to write your own UI . .

Best Wishes,

Yes, it is marked “beta”, but their beta stuff is pretty solid.

Oh, yeah. The two projects that I’ve extensively used it in are YUI 2
projects. I’d suggest sticking with the YUI 2 version at the moment.

I have mixed YUI 2 and YUI 3 very easily in the same project. In fact,
most of my projects have pieces of prototype, YUI 2 and YUI 3
co-existing, since I don’t have time to rewrite everything.

I have used CKEditor for some time with no problems, I have one page
with several editor instances and it works fine.

There is a rails plugin

I think this is the one I used


Correction, just checked and doesn’t look like I used a plugin so
can’t say how good plugin is!