Rg3 / girffi


Wondering what are views of people interested/using rg2 about the
future (gtk3)? What do you think about girffi or a potential rg3?


Guillaume C.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 14:37, Guillaume C. [email protected]

Wondering what are views of people interested/using rg2 about the
future (gtk3)? What do you think about girffi or a potential rg3?

I would love to see gir being used. It would probably affect our API
quite a bit, however, and I guess we need manpower for such a

Many of the type-conversion functions are in place, so that part
should be easy to transplant.

There is already a gir effort for ruby gtk/gnome :

I thought some devs knew it already, but I’m not sure now.

I didn’t try it, but it seems very barebone and C’ish. It would not be
too hard imo to make it behave much like rg2.

What I love so far in GTK3 is that you can embed GTK apps in a browser.

I am using firefox a LOT, since many years by now.

There is now even an online IDE available in the browser:


It would be ABSOLUTELY AWESOME if my ruby-gtk apps could be put into a
tab in firefox :slight_smile:

For instance, I wrote a small ruby-gtk wrapper around FTP, and it works
ok so far. If I could embed it into firefox, actually, I could stop
using a javascript-based FTP client (cute FTP or something is its name,
it is an add-on for firefox)

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 14:59, Simon A.
[email protected] wrote:

There is already a gir effort for ruby gtk/gnome :

GitHub - mvz/gir_ffi: Auto-generate bindings for GObject based libraries at run time using FFI

I thought some devs knew it already, but I’m not sure now.

I didn’t try it, but it seems very barebone and C’ish. It would not be
too hard imo to make it behave much like rg2.

I know about it and yes, it’s very must like programming C in Ruby.
We can surely learn something from it, but as far as I’ve seen there’s
not much we can use.