I would like to migrate my page from a webhoster to my own vServer
Nginx. So far I got everything up and running EXCEPT these stupid
file. Let me explain:
My site contains several galleries with slideshows. When you are
one of those you click a link which looks like this
(only DOMAIN/galleries and -single.php) are fixed. The rest can vary.
links are generated by Lightroom and a plugin and during this process a
.htaccess file will be copied into each folder. The content looks like
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)-single.*php$ single.php?id=$1 [L]
This makes my link
point to this
as you can see, the “DSC01154” will be passed through. I am trying for
several days to create a rewrite rule for Nginx doing the same without
killing my page.
Does anyone knows a solution for this?
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Does this work?
rewrite ^(.)/(.)-single.php $1/single. php?id=$2 last;
Not tested, so anything could happen.
Unfortunately not -.- here is a small summary of my vhost
server {
location / {
index index.php index.html index.htm;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrites;
rewrite ^(.*)/(.*)-single\.php $1/single.php?id=$2 last;
location @rewrites {
rewrite ^ /index.php last;
I emptied my cache and restarted nginx as well … no success
ryd994 Wrote:
RewriteEngine On
several days to create a rewrite rule for Nginx doing the same
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Posted at Nginx Forum:
Try the below one in the server context …outside all location blocks.
can enable dedug log and do rewrite_log on; to see if its matching etc.
Good Luck!
rewrite ^/galleries/album-set/album-2/(.*)-single.php
/galleries/album-set/album-2/single.php?id=$1 last;
Great! It is working now, thank you very much 
Posted at Nginx Forum: