Rewrite rule for nginx image?

Hi all,

I have a small image that I’ve downloaded from and use it a
for the 404 pages.
What would be the code I need to insert into nginx.conf, in order to
automatically point the image location to a specific path or URL?

Thanks for your help,


On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 02:11:48PM -0500, Floren M. wrote:

I have a small image that I’ve downloaded from and use it a logo
for the 404 pages.
What would be the code I need to insert into nginx.conf, in order to
automatically point the image location to a specific path or URL?

I do not understand your question, but probably:

    location = /logo.gif {
        root  /path/to;

        # or
        #alias  /path/to/logo.gif;

Igor, what I try to do is this:
When someone visits a missing page, he/she is pointed to a 404 custom

Look at the image, it is not showing. Is there a way to properly display
nginx.gif image, using a condition defined into the server config file?


On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 07:14:20PM -0500, Floren M. wrote:

Igor, what I try to do is this:
When someone visits a missing page, he/she is pointed to a 404 custom page.

Look at the image, it is not showing. Is there a way to properly display the
nginx.gif image, using a condition defined into the server config file?

You should set abosolute pathes for nginx.gif and favicon.ico in the

  • nginx.gif
  • /nginx.gif
  • favicon.ico
  • /favicon.ico