Review: More ActionPack fixes

tfpt review /shelveset:rails3

  •     ENV["foo"] = "" should set the environment variable to an 

empty string, not delete it

  •     Added Iconv::IllegalSequence etc
  •     Rails test expect Array#sort_by to be a stable sort (ie. if 

#<=> returns 0, then the relative order of the elements in the original
array is maintained). Worked around this at the top of action_pack_tests
(see the comment for more details).

  •     Added -r to utr.rb to run a single test case.
  •     Store.rb should be using the send idiom. Your test should be:

ENV.send(@method, “foo”, “”)
ENV[“foo”].should == “”

The second line is fine because we are testing the store method (element
set in this case, but I think #store is the other one), not the get

  •     Please use a shared behavior for expecptions_spec.rb.  Since 

all of the describes are the same, they should all be using the same

  •     Utr.rb: exit!(0) should work for both IronRuby and MRI as a 

hard exit


[29] > irb

irb(main):001:0> at_exit { puts ‘gotcha’ }

=> #Proc:0x0410c580@:1(irb)

irb(main):002:0> exit!(0)

Looks good other than that

From: Shri B.
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:58 PM
To: IronRuby External Code R.
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Review: More ActionPack fixes

tfpt review /shelveset:rails3

  •     ENV["foo"] = "" should set the environment variable to an 

empty string, not delete it

  •     Added Iconv::IllegalSequence etc
  •     Rails test expect Array#sort_by to be a stable sort (ie. if 

#<=> returns 0, then the relative order of the elements in the original
array is maintained). Worked around this at the top of action_pack_tests
(see the comment for more details).

  •     Added -r to utr.rb to run a single test case.