Revert after dropping a draggable, only if out of bounds

Hi, I have a div tag as a â??containerâ? for all my draggable objectsâ?¦ My
goal is to be able to decide whether to revert these objects based on
where they are dropped. If they are â??out of boundsâ?, or not in the
container after theyâ??ve been dropped, I want them to revert, otherwise,
drop normally.

I currently have a few JS functions setup that calculate the boundries
of the container, and alert me on mouseupâ?¦ true if theyâ??ve been dropped
outside of the container, and false if theyâ??ve been dropped inside the

By default, the droppable object is not set to revertâ?¦ How would I go
about making this object revert only if itâ??s been dropped outside of the

Thanks ahead of time for any helpâ?¦

Please, this is definitely not a question for a Ruby mailing list.


Jeremy Blah wrote:

Hi, I have a div tag as a â??containerâ? for all my draggable objectsâ?¦ My
goal is to be able to decide whether to revert these objects based on
where they are dropped. If they are â??out of boundsâ?, or not in the
container after theyâ??ve been dropped, I want them to revert, otherwise,
drop normally.

You would do better asking this on a JavaScript or DHTML mailing list.

James B.

“In physics the truth is rarely perfectly clear, and that is certainly
universally the case in human affairs. Hence, what is not surrounded
uncertainty cannot be the truth.”

  • R. Feynman