I guess it is rather simple, but I am more of a coder than of an admin
so not an expert in configuring webservers. I’d like to proxy an akamai
proxy which relies on the full hostname being passed (IP is not
It seems, nginx is resolving the upstream host’s DNS-Address and uses
the IP in all upstream requests (ommitting the hostname) which is not
enough for the upstream host to answer correctly.
thanks for your suggestion. Tried this well without success. It seems, I
did not describe the issue properly, though.
Just found a post (which you replied) describing a very similar
situation: Distinct upstream servers by name - NGINX - Ruby-Forum.
The problem in both cases is IP sharing on the backend/upstream side and
that the upstream hostname cannot be assigned and forwarded to the
backend dynamically by nginx. Did this change in the meantime?
Actually, I am not trying to proxy one server (as I learned, this can be
done by just assigning “proxy_set_header Host " someServer.akamai.com”,
but if possible several (I just reverted to one here for boiling down
the issue).