Retrieving text from a query fired in Rails


I have a query that returns a number and I want to use that number after

Could you please let me know how to access the data.

I fire the query like:

numscens = Progression.find_by_sql(“select numscenarios from
progressions where id = #{params[:progressionid]}”)

How can I access and use the numscenarios returned by the query that is
part of my numscens variable now.

If I do a numscens.to_xml I get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2

Still I cannot figure out how to access that number in numscenarios tag.

I want to do if (numscens == 1) do this else that…

Apologies for the novice question.

Many Thanks,

Why don’t you just use:

numscens = Progression.find(:first, :condition => :id => params
[:progressionid]), or even simpler:
numscens = Progression.find(params[:progressionid])

I believe, inserting the params directly like that can make you open
for SQL injection attacks.

And then, to use it from there, just use: numscens.

If you want to make it available to your view, use:
@numscens = …
then use <%= @numscens %> anywhere in your view