Retrieving a record using created_by


Thank you all in advance for your help with this.


Windows XP Pro (Development only)
Ruby 1.84
Rails 1.1.0
Plugins: file_column, userstamp

I have a user table per the salted_hash_login generator. I have an
orders table that has a column named created_by that is updated by the
userstamp plugin. I am trying to retrieve all of the orders for a single
user (the one logged in) and am not sure how to do it. When I use this
code in my order model it works:

def self.my_orders
:conditions => “created_by = 1”,
:order => “created_on desc”)

I want to create dynamic queries and need to use the created_by column
to do it. I appreciate any help you all can give me. Also, in order to
not ask so many newbie questions, I have purchased a few books: Agile
Web D. with Rails, Rails Recipes, and the O’Reilly (beta) book
Rough Cuts: Ruby on Rails - Up and Running. Can anyone point me in the
direction of other good books? Thanks.


Robert D.

On Apr 3, 2006, at 22:46, Robert D. wrote:

def self.my_orders
:conditions => “created_by = 1”,
:order => “created_on desc”)

I want to create dynamic queries and need to use the created_by column
to do it.

orders = Order.find_by_created_by(

Or even better if you set up assocations:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders, :foreign_key => ‘created_by’, :order =>
‘created_on desc’

orders = @user.orders

Jakob S. -

Robert D. wrote:

Can anyone point me in the
direction of other good books? Thanks.

I strongly recommend Ruby for Rails by David Black (
Ruby for Rails ). I’ve had many “aha” moments so far and
still got 6 chapters to go. It’s very well written and easy to


Stefan Liden wrote:

Robert D. wrote:

Can anyone point me in the
direction of other good books? Thanks.

I strongly recommend Ruby for Rails by David Black (
Ruby for Rails ). I’ve had many “aha” moments so far and
still got 6 chapters to go. It’s very well written and easy to


Thank you both for your help. I will implement the given code and
purchase the book right away. I hope to cut down on all of my newbie
questions. Thank you again.


Robert D.