How do I retrieve a ruby app that I’ve pushed to github? I’ve been
pushing as I’ve been developing on my pc, and now I want to get the app
on my laptop, so I can develop on my laptop.
First you have to setup your laptop for git usage similar to what you
done for your PC.
- Install Git
- Generate SSH keys
- Add your laptop’s public key to your github account (you can add as
keys as you want, so do not modify your PC’s key, just add a new one)
Then go to your repo page on github, copy the clone url shown there, and
git clone
to get your ruby app on your laptop.
From there on, you can continue working same way as you did on your PC.
Chirag S. wrote in post #1023053:
First you have to setup your laptop for git usage similar to what you
done for your PC.
- Install Git
- Generate SSH keys
- Add your laptop’s public key to your github account (you can add as
keys as you want, so do not modify your PC’s key, just add a new one)Then go to your repo page on github, copy the clone url shown there, and
git clone
to get your ruby app on your laptop.From there on, you can continue working same way as you did on your PC.
There is nothing at github that says “clone url”. There is a url
displayed when you go to a repo. So on my laptop, I went to the
directory I want my app to be in, e.g. rails_projects, and then I issued
command you showed me. Then I cd’ed into the newly created app
directory, and I got this:
$ git branch
However, I have another branch on github called ‘updating users’, and I
can’t figure out how to download the other branch.
Okay, I found something on stackoverflow that said I should look deeper:
$ git branch -a
- master
remotes/origin/HEAD → origin/master
Now, I’m not really sure what to do so I can work on the updating-users
On 23 September 2011 06:02, Chirag S. [email protected]
You have to create new branch locally and pull code from your git branch
into that one.
So something like this on your laptop:
Open up terminal and change directory to where your app is checked out.
Create a new local branch:
git checkout -b updating_users
Pull code in that branch from your github repo branch:
git pull origin updating_users
Alternatively you can also use this command:
git checkout -b updating_users origin/updating_users
Chirag: Are you sure about this. I thought that when you cloned a
repository it would come with all its branches, and all that the OP
should need to do is
git checkout <branch_name>
OP: if you have gitk installed (if you have not then do so, and also
git-gui) then try
gitk --all
and it should show you all the history and branches in the cloned
done for your PC.
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You have to create new branch locally and pull code from your git branch
into that one.
So something like this on your laptop:
Open up terminal and change directory to where your app is checked out.
Create a new local branch:
git checkout -b updating_users
Pull code in that branch from your github repo branch:
git pull origin updating_users
Alternatively you can also use this command:
git checkout -b updating_users origin/updating_users
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Colin L. [email protected]
Alternatively you can also use this command:
git checkout -b updating_users origin/updating_usersChirag: Are you sure about this. I thought that when you cloned a
repository it would come with all its branches, and all that the OP
should need to do is
git checkout <branch_name>Colin: I am not sure if there is another way to get all branches. This is
how I have been fetching other branches for a while now.
I looked up github guides to double check and it seems to confirm the
behavior - GitHub Support scroll down to “clone”
On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 5:51 AM, Chirag S.
[email protected]wrote:
git checkout -b updating_users
Colin: I am not sure if there is another way to get all branches. This is
git-gui) then try
gitk --all
and it should show you all the history and branches in the cloned
I think the missing link here is the command
$ git branch -r
This will show all the remote branches. From there you can then check
locally. The data is in your local repo after the clone (so you can do
but only a default branch is checked out with git clone. Whis is the
can be set as “Default branch” on the github admin page for a project.
peterv@ASUS:~/b/github/twitter/bootstrap$ git branch
- master
peterv@ASUS:~/b/github/twitter/bootstrap$ git branch -r
origin/HEAD → origin/master
peterv@ASUS:~/b/github/twitter/bootstrap$ # disconnected Ethernet
peterv@ASUS:~/b/github/twitter/bootstrap$ ping
ping: unknown host
peterv@ASUS:~/b/github/twitter/bootstrap$ git checkout -b 1.4-wip
Branch 1.4-wip set up to track remote branch 1.4-wip from origin.
Switched to a new branch ‘1.4-wip’
peterv@ASUS:~/b/github/twitter/bootstrap$ ls -l | head -4
total 128
-rw-r–r-- 1 peterv peterv 52167 2011-09-24 11:00 bootstrap.css
-rw-r–r-- 1 peterv peterv 43541 2011-09-24 11:00 bootstrap.min.css
drwxr-xr-x 3 peterv peterv 4096 2011-09-24 11:00 docs