hey all,
I’m using simple_access_control this way:
<%= link_to ‘list’, :controller=>‘profiles’,:action=>‘list’ if
and now that I’m using restful path it doesn’t seem to work anymore:
<%= link_to ‘list’, list_profiles_path if has_permission?(‘admin’)%>
anyone had the same problem and found a workaround?
thanx in advance
On 6/8/07, Patrick A. [email protected] wrote:
<%= link_to ‘list’, list_profiles_path if has_permission?(‘admin’)%>
anyone had the same problem and found a workaround?
You didn’t give an error message, so there’s no way to tell, but I’d
guess that your given route doesn’t exist. Read the docs for an
overview of the routes that map.resources creates:
Rick O.
On 6/8/07, Patrick A. [email protected] wrote:
I do have this in my route:
map.resources :shootings, :collection =>{:list => :get, :search => :get}
I meant:
map.resources :profiles, :collection =>{:list => :get, :search =>
it’s definitely helpful to see the map.resources call you’re making
(and I assume that’s literally what you’ve right? As in, you’re not
failing to tell us that it’s a nested resource or something?).
Even so, this isn’t enough information to go on. You need to supply
details of any error messages and any other clues about what happens
when list_profiles_path() executes.
“doesn’t work any more” is too vague I’m afraid.
On 6/8/07, Patrick A. [email protected] wrote:
On 6/8/07, Patrick A. [email protected] wrote:
I do have this in my route:
map.resources :shootings, :collection =>{:list => :get, :search => :get}
I meant:
map.resources :profiles, :collection =>{:list => :get, :search => :get}
Trevor S.
On 6/8/07, Rick O. [email protected] wrote:
You didn’t give an error message, so there’s no way to tell, but I’d
guess that your given route doesn’t exist. Read the docs for an
overview of the routes that map.resources creates:
I do have this in my route:
map.resources :shootings, :collection =>{:list => :get, :search =>
should I add something? I don’t have any error from the log.
There isn’t any error message, it’s just that when I use:
<%= link_to ‘list’, :controller=>‘profiles’,:action=>‘list’ if
the link is not display if the current_user is not part of the admin
role. But when I use:
<%= link_to ‘list’, list_profiles_path if has_permission?(‘admin’)%>
the link is displayed whether the current_user is part or not of the
admin role. I couldn’t spot any error message 
failing to tell us that it’s a nested resource or something?).
No it’s not a nested resource.
thanx in advance
On 6/9/07, Trevor S. [email protected] wrote:
Okay, this does seem odd.
If you try:
<%= link_to ‘list’, list_profiles_path if false %>
and the link does not get displayed then your assumptions about
has_permission?(:admin) are wrong because clearly it’s returning true
when you don’t expect.
The link doesn’t get display if I put “false”.
however, if it does display the link then you seem to have some
strange parsing problem (that doesn’t make sense to me). Try changing
it to this:
<%= link_to(‘list’, list_profiles_path) if has_permission?(:admin) %>
doesn’t solve the problem 
maybe it’s because the plugin I’m using is kind of old (08/2006) and
can’t parse restful path?
<%= link_to(‘list’, list_profiles_path) if has_permission?(:admin) %>
doesn’t solve the problem 
maybe it’s because the plugin I’m using is kind of old (08/2006) and
can’t parse restful path?
It’s an if loop, you need to verify that has_permission? is working.
Trevor’s “if false” trick proved that the syntax and the link are
Rick O.
Okay, this does seem odd.
If you try:
<%= link_to ‘list’, list_profiles_path if false %>
and the link does not get displayed then your assumptions about
has_permission?(:admin) are wrong because clearly it’s returning true
when you don’t expect.
however, if it does display the link then you seem to have some
strange parsing problem (that doesn’t make sense to me). Try changing
it to this:
<%= link_to(‘list’, list_profiles_path) if has_permission?(:admin) %>
On 6/8/07, Patrick A. [email protected] wrote:
Trevor S.
As we come to the point where it is determined that has_permission? is
not behaving as expected.
The most reasonable thing you can do is to do a little debugging to
determine what’s happening.
I do not use simple_access_control, but if you find the cause for this
behavior and way to fix it the community will appreciate your effort.
On 6/9/07, Rick O. [email protected] wrote:
It’s an if loop, you need to verify that has_permission? is working.
Trevor’s “if false” trick proved that the syntax and the link are
Well, it looks like has_permission? is not working with restful path,
this is why I asked in my initial post if any of you using the
simple_access_control plugin had the same problem with
has_permission? and restful path, sorry if I didn’t make it very
clear. If you’re not using simple_access_control then I guess you
can’t help me on that issue (unless you install it and test it for me
Today I find the http://unroller.rubyforge.org/ - Ruby Unroller is a
tool for generating human-readable “execution traces”. While it is
enabled, it will watch every Ruby statement and method call that gets
executed and will display the source code on your screen in real-time
as it is being executed.
Perhaps you will get a better view on what is going on in your app.
On 6/9/07, Patrick A. [email protected] wrote:
Actually that’s the first thing I did before posting to the list but
the code was a little scriptic
I meant cryptic of course 
The SimpleAccessControl code snippet shows that it depend on
user.roles data.
I spouses that you do the installation procedure described in Readme
But in any case check the data in database and check the
SimpleAccessControl:: AccessControlHandler#check method 
The heart of the system, all credit to Ezra for the original
Defaults to false if there is no user or that user does not have a
roles association
Defaults to true if the role is blank
def check(role, user)
return(false) if user.blank? || !user.respond_to?(:roles)
return(true) if role.blank?
user.roles.map{ |r| r.title.downcase }.include? role.downcase
On Jun 10, 12:42 am, “Patrick A.” [email protected] wrote:
On 6/9/07, Patrick A. [email protected] wrote:
Actually that’s the first thing I did before posting to the list but
the code was a little scriptic
meant cryptic of course 
On 6/9/07, dima [email protected] wrote:
As we come to the point where it is determined that has_permission? is
not behaving as expected.
The most reasonable thing you can do is to do a little debugging to
determine what’s happening.
Actually that’s the first thing I did before posting to the list but
the code was a little scriptic for a noob like me so I asked to the
list :-). I’m gonna give it another try though.