I’m still trying to get used to REST concepts and forms
I have a very simple controller that updates user profile data. I
have this link that takes me to the controller:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operator_profile”, :action =>
“edit”) %>
I then want to simply display the operator’s data like this:
def edit
@operator = Operator.find(current_operator.id)
and I want a form that posts to a update method in operator_profile.
in my routes I have
resources :operator_profile
I feel like I’m completely locked into the 7 base methods of REST and
everything else throws routing errors
I couldn’t even get the update method to work.
Can this be simplified?
On May 5, 6:23am, Clem R. [email protected] wrote:
def edit
@operator = Operator.find(current_operator.id)
and I want a form that posts to a update method in operator_profile.
in my routes I have
resources :operator_profile
I feel like I’m completely locked into the 7 base methods of REST and
everything else throws routing errors
It’s just shorthand - you could create the 7 routes on their own, ie
match ‘operator_profiles/:id’, :to => ‘operator_profiles#index’
Or you can pass :only or :except to resources to say you don’t want
all 7. Lastly since you have a concept of current_operator, maybe
resources :operator_profiles just isn’t the right fit (since for
excample your edit or update actions don’t require an id parameter).
You could try the singleton one (ie resource :operator_profile)
I realized I should also attempt to go w/ a operations_controller
instead of the operator_profile_controller. So I did that and I now
have in routes:
resources :operations
and in operations controller I have all 7 rest methods.
And now I’m getting this:
No route matches {:controller=>“operators”, :action=>“edit”}
because of this link in application.html.erb:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operators”, :action => “edit”)
and this fails as well:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operators_profile”, :action =>
“edit”) %>
My model is operator.rb
Here’s a dump of all my operator related routes:
operator_profile_index GET /operator_profile(.:format)
{:action=>"index", :controller=>"operator_profile"}
POST /operator_profile(.:format)
{:action=>"create", :controller=>"operator_profile"}
new_operator_profile GET /operator_profile/new(.:format)
{:action=>"new", :controller=>"operator_profile"}
edit_operator_profile GET /operator_profile/:id/edit(.:format)
{:action=>"edit", :controller=>"operator_profile"}
operator_profile GET /operator_profile/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"show", :controller=>"operator_profile"}
PUT /operator_profile/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"update", :controller=>"operator_profile"}
DELETE /operator_profile/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"operator_profile"}
operators GET /operators(.:format)
{:action=>"index", :controller=>"operators"}
POST /operators(.:format)
{:action=>"create", :controller=>"operators"}
new_operator GET /operators/new(.:format)
{:action=>"new", :controller=>"operators"}
edit_operator GET /operators/:id/edit(.:format)
{:action=>"edit", :controller=>"operators"}
operator GET /operators/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"show", :controller=>"operators"}
PUT /operators/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"update", :controller=>"operators"}
DELETE /operators/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"operators"}
On May 5, 1:20pm, Clem R. [email protected] wrote:
And now I’m getting this:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operators_profile”, :action =>
“edit”) %>
My model is operator.rb
Your issue is that the restful edit/update routes requires an id
(which object to edit/update) and you’re not providing one, which is
why I suggested you look at singleton resources.
On 5 May 2011 13:20, Clem R. [email protected] wrote:
And now I’m getting this:
No route matches {:controller=>“operators”, :action=>“edit”}
because of this link in application.html.erb:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operators”, :action => “edit”)
Look at your routes and you will see that edit requires an id (so it
knows which one to edit). You have not provided the id in the link.
and this fails as well:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operators_profile”, :action =>
“edit”) %>
Same problem here I imagine.
For this route
edit_operator_profile GET /operator_profile/:id/edit(.:format)
{:action=>“edit”, :controller=>“operator_profile”}
Below is wrong
<%=link_to(‘Profile’,:controller => “operators_profile”,:action
Correct will be
<%=link_to(‘Profile’,:controller => “operators_profile”,:action
=>“edit”, :id => @your_operator_profile)%>
Or even shorter
Restful resources are really easy if you look carefully at output of
rake routes
Just a couple of points to add - might be typos in the post, or may be
relevant to your controllers…
On May 5, 1:20pm, Clem R. [email protected] wrote:
I realized I should also attempt to go w/ a operations_controller
instead of the operator_profile_controller. So I did that and I now
have in routes:
resources :operations
** operations **
and in operations controller I have all 7 rest methods.
And now I’m getting this:
No route matches {:controller=>“operators”, :action=>“edit”}
** operators **
because of this link in application.html.erb:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operators”, :action => “edit”)
** operators **
and this fails as well:
<%= link_to(‘Profile’, :controller => “operators_profile”, :action =>
“edit”) %>
My model is operator.rb
Here’s a dump of all my operator related routes:
Is your controller operator[s], or operations?