Hi, I was trying to follow this tutorial,
http://clarkware.com/cgi/blosxom/2007/02/24#FileUploadFu, but I’m having
trouble with the mugshots_path route in the upload form:
<% form_for(:mugshot, :url => mugshots_path,
:html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| -%>
I was wondering what the proper named route should be
danman wrote:
Hi, I was trying to follow this tutorial,
http://clarkware.com/cgi/blosxom/2007/02/24#FileUploadFu, but I’m having
trouble with the mugshots_path route in the upload form:
<% form_for(:mugshot, :url => mugshots_path,
:html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| -%>
I was wondering what the proper named route should be
Have you defined:
map.resources :mugshots
in your routes.rb?
Yes, I did.
I’m asking because I keep getting the error message “uninitialized
constant MugshotsController” when I submit a file